The Portrait of America!
And points of both light and love: the DIY maskmakers who've made and donated our home sewn masks all over America!
Andrew Cuomo unveils a "portrait of America.
During a press conference, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo unveils a wall of donated and home made masks from across America, and says, "this is what this country is about, and this is what Americans are about." And he adds this is a portrait "of love".
Cuomo unveils wall of donated masks, says 'this is what this country is about.
And now that San Franciso has banned the use of the N95 masks WITH valves that make the wearer more comfortable but do not protect others from them if they're sick as they are constantly exhaling OUT through that valve, it makes our DIY home made masks even more important!
Coronavirus: Officials warn some N95 masks not effective against spread -
I personally have been making as best I can along with hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of others all sewing isolated at home in our city of Salem Oregon.
COVID-19 Face Mask Making; What Works Best
So many, many of you have been sewing these for your families, your friends, and for your communities as well!
We made 11,000 for Salem Health our hospital alone and we've been sewing every day ever since for every charitable group we hear of needing them for nursing homes,charitable agencies, meals on wheels, home health care workers, USPS, UPS, Instacart and Fred Meyer and others working in pickups or home deliveries.
And now the purchased N95 masks WITH exhalation valves are being banned. The protect the wearer but allow their own, potentially sick exhalations out to others.
Coronavirus: Officials warn some N95 masks not effective against spread -
Today I was blessed to be able to make 4 more. Labors of love and faith and hope that we are stronger together and together we will beat this virus!