Happy Valentine's Day!
Today is filled to the brim with love as I think of all of my friends and family-- but most of all my four best and brightest little hearts of my heart--my four grandchildren.
Three beautiful girls and one very handsome boy. Ages 5, 4, 3, and 4 weeks old today. A photo at the top of the 3D pinwherl quilt I made for our newest little granddaughter.
The little poufy soft pinwheels quilt is made with Kaffe Fassett 5" squares from primarily the 'Paperweights Collection' and finished with scraps used in other projects for borders, cornerstones and binding. Tied with heartstrings of love!
Only wish I could share photos of my beautiful little ones too! Love them all so very, very much !
February is National "Take Care of Your Heart Month". But it is also the month for showing and sharing love and not just on Valentine's Day on February 14th.
We take care of our own physical heart, we take care of our emotionsl heart, and we reach out with love and compassion from our heart to others
Whenever we make a comfort quilt or donate a block to a given cause, we are putting a piece of ourselves...our heart...into that donation.
Whether they are given to a loved one, heart surgery adults or tiny babies born with congenital heart disease, and always for cancer care and love, for hospice donations, or to simply to show our love, faith, and caring.
It's wonderful to make and keep heart blocks, quilts and other projects on hand....any time of the year!
Make a pledge to yourself, and to those you love this month. Take good care of your own heart with healthy habits and a good and active life and make a comfort quilt, a heart shaped comfort pillow, or some other lovely little heart filled gift of comfort to another.
One for you, one for a beloved, and one for someone you may never meet, but one you can still reach out to with love!
And please think of all of the little ones that have been born with congenital heart defects.. Known as "heart warriors" it is heart-warming to make little neo-natal quilts and donate to any hospital.
Every day, all over the world, babies are born with no explainable reason with heart defects. Heart quilts and heart blankets are lovely, caring ways to share and to show love. 💜
While some may be as minor as leaky heart valves, others are so serious that they require immediate life saving efforts and open heart cardiac surgery.
These precious newborns or young babies have to be placed on a cardio-pulmonary bypass (heart-lung) machine while cardio-pulmonary surgeons have to do micro surgical repairs that can take up to 10 hours to do.
And if you aren't aware, a newborn's tiny heart is about 1" across. Imagine micro-surgery on that for 8 to 10 hours!
Please make and donate baby quilts to your own local NICU or PICU. Each baby is presented with a handmade and donated soft baby quilt that us for each of them to bring home. They are incredibly appreciated.
And of course, every day both men and women are facing heart disease and the possibility of a heart attack. It can happen unexpectedly even to those with no prior history, symptons, or risk factors.
And every day, many women and yes, some men, learn they have breast cancer or even harder die from a disease that not have a cure. When you hear cure it usually means a very isolated form of breast cancer that stays only with milk ducts or on the surface of the skin but doesn't invade other organs, the blood or the brain.
When you hear the word "survivor" it means they caught their cancer early and made it through chemo with all visible cancer cells destroyed and therefore are in remission.
Sadly, it does not means it won't come back in another form, place, or time. Some people live to make their 5 year or even 10 year remission birthday. How very very wonderful that is.
They continue to need medical, housing and household bill support as few qualify for medical disability. Sad but very true.
Heart pillows and comfort gifts and blankets are slways needed and greatly appreciated 💜
And your own heart will be filled with the gift of giving to others.
Please donate to Breast Cancer patients or make gifts from your own heart!
Heart pillows, soft fleece blankets or quilts for chemo, seat belt pillow protectors for use with a chemo port or after surgery

My own heart shaped or themed tutorials:
My String Pieced Prayer Pocket Pillow
make with strings or solids and use the little pocket in the back...for sending good wishes of any kind!
Making a (Cardiac) Heart Pillow
A perfect and caring gift for post surgery for either cardiac or breast cancer patients, hugging a pillow over the heart after cardiac surgery or under the arm after breast surgery have been shown to help significantly with post-operative pain.
This one was nade for a "cowboy" in our famiky who has his 5th heart attack a decade ago and is still active anda gift to his children, grabdchikdren abd great grandchildren 💜
My Heart Shaped 'Mitt' Potholder
My Origami Petal Bag
Add a Heart on the front of a journal or book cover: How To My Make a Journal or Book Cover
Make a free form "Hearts and Vakentines" tinfoil wrapping paper or candy wrappibg project with scissors, Mod Pidge ir lots of Elmer's Glue!
Mine is on stiff interfacing but cardboard wirks great. You'll never wash ita Great project for kids, too!
Make a Heart from the Heart free form an appliqued quilted art card or wall hanging. Here are ones I made for my brother and my sister-in-law after my brither was aur jet ambulanced from Anchorage AK to Seattle's Harborview Hospitally in a life threatenibg brain infection and a medically induced coma.

Patriotic Heartstrings of MemoryString Quilting:Tutorial and Free Patte
Make a simple quilt and applique a heart on top of its blocks!
Most patterns are for personal use only so check the specifics before you use them for sale projects. And always give credit and thanks when writing about projects you have made using these patterns!!
Creating a Modern Baby Layette
I've even used a heart shaped leaf and create my own summer project of concrete display items!
Making this involves leaves mixing concrete and pressing it into leaves. I made a dozen and love them!
I've made my own Valentines with cloth and paper and trims! A little free motion sewing and lots and lots of fun! Crast paoer, fabric, trims and free motion machine sewing!
Or make a few art fabric post cards! Easy and such fun!
How To Make A Fabric Post Card, Fabric Art Card, or Fabric Art Quiltlet
Making Prayer Flags
Lots of ideas for making simple banners and prayer flags..add a heart and some sweet sentiments!

And now....my collection of more than a hundred links for free heart shaped quilt blocks or heart themed quilt or craft patterns all in one place for you to check out for special gift for a loved one, or for another Valentine's Day in the future! Links below:

From Geta's Quilt Studio:
Big Hearted Quilt: free pattern at Riley Blake Designs (PDF download)
Freebies: Paper pieced hearts

How to Make County Raggedy Heart Coasters
Heart Patterns
Click on the PICTURE to Download the Free Pattern from Cindy Carter!
Terri at Quilternity’s Place (hearts above) is sharing a couple of free heart quilt patterns on her blog. Go HERE to read more.
Images credit: Quilternity’s Place
From Google:

Make a log cabin heart block!!

Make Log Cabin blocks into a Heart and create a Pillow!
from Lisa in Port Hope!
To make a heart from log cabin blocks:
Four log cabin blocks..red and white, pinks and white..your choice all cut at 1 3/8" strips
Curving top log cabins: colorful strips cut @ 1 5/8", white strips at 1 1/8"
Adding another piece of white at the diagonal top corner to create the curve!
Blocks finish at about 6 3/4"

from sotak handmade!
Svetlana writes " This pixelated heart pillow is made of 2" squares, most of them from my scrap bin - yay!, and was inspired by Jolene's wonderful quilt", check it out!

Images credit: Quilternity’s Place
From Google:
Supply List for Pillow:
1-5/8 yd dark red for border & back
1/8 yd dark pink for border
Assortment of 1-1/8” white strips
Assortment of 1-1/8” dark red strips
14” square pillow form
Six 7/8” or larger buttons
I made my baby quilt with my own design and not using a pattern. But if you need a specific design with its pattern, here are some ideas!
I made my baby quilt with my own design and not using a pattern. But if you need a specific design with its pattern, here are some ideas!

Make a log cabin heart block!!

Make Log Cabin blocks into a Heart and create a Pillow!
from Lisa in Port Hope!
To make a heart from log cabin blocks:
Four log cabin blocks..red and white, pinks and white..your choice all cut at 1 3/8" strips
Curving top log cabins: colorful strips cut @ 1 5/8", white strips at 1 1/8"
Adding another piece of white at the diagonal top corner to create the curve!
Blocks finish at about 6 3/4"

from sotak handmade!
Svetlana writes " This pixelated heart pillow is made of 2" squares, most of them from my scrap bin - yay!, and was inspired by Jolene's wonderful quilt", check it out!
Table Runner from Google:
This lovely is approximately 17” x 43”, make 3 hearts.
Sew a 1-3/4” strip of dark red sashing between the hearts to connect them. Sew a 1-3/4” strip of the same dark red sashing on the top & bottom and then on each end. Sew a 3-3/4” border of contrasting red on the top & bottom and then on each end. Quilt & bind as desired.
Wall Hanging:
Follow instructions for pillow A-D. For wall hanging approximately 28” x 31”, make 4 hearts. Sew a 1-3/4” strip of dark red sashing between 2 hearts to make 2 sets. Sew a 1-3/4” strip of the same dark red sashing between the 2 sets to make one row on top of the other. Sew another 1-3/4” strip of the same dark red sashing on each side and then on the top and bottom. Sew a 3-3/4” border of contrasting red on each side and then on the top and
bottom. Quilt & bind as desired
bottom. Quilt & bind as desired

Candy Hearts Quilt by Gigi's Thimble for Moda Bakeshop
Vintage Heart Collage by Allison Aller free pattern at American Quilter
Heart Tree by Liz Jones from her book Flowers, Hearts and Garlands, free applique pattern at American Quilter
Have a Heart, free quilt pattern by Nina Lise Moen at Mrs Moen Free Patterns
Scrappy Heart Quilt by Cindy Carter at Carter Quilter (there are seven different free hearts patterns at this link)
Be Still My Heart tutorial by Jacquie Gering at Tallgrass Prairie Studio
Raw-Edge Machine Appliqué Hearts, Deonn Stott for Riley Blake Designs ..free tute and pattern
Download your FREE Nine-Patch Heart Block pattern from link below. Refer to the McCall's Quilting issue shown below for the Heart of the Home quilt pattern by Jackie Robinson.
Click here to download their FREE Nine-Patch Heart Quilt Block Pattern from their FREE online Quilt Block Reference library.
Have fun designing your own Valentine's Day quilts. The Valentines blocks shown here each finish to approximately 8". Make one block and frame it, or assemble a group of blocks into a quilt. By mixing fabrics and block styles and alternating sashing between blocks, the possibilities are endless.
Use drawing above to make another little Sue for a card or a quilt block!
Heart ‘n Hand Needle Case (p) (pdf)Heart 'n Hand Needle Case Pattern (pdf)
Heart Blocks
The Heart Pillow Program - NEW - Heart and Stroke Foundation of New Brunswick
Appliqué Heart Wreath
Floral Hearts
Heart Blocks
The Heart Pillow Program - NEW - Heart and Stroke Foundation of New Brunswick
Appliqué Heart Wreath

Have A Heart from Carol Doaks
Choose the woven heart, the bow heart or the star heart to send a message of love and friendship. Click to download the pdfFloral Hearts
Read her tutorial at link above:

Wonky Hearts:
Wonky Hearts: Sharon of Indigo
Heart Quilting Patterns from original Nancy Page published patterns circa 1980's | |||||
Stack'n Whack Hearts http://www.bethanyreynolds.com/snwhearts.html

Make a Patchwork Heart Quilt Block
How to Create a Heart-in-Hand Valentine Card eHow.com
Boxed Heart Quilt Block Pattern by Joan Rodwell
Heart and Hands Tea Cozy Click here (to download Template Diagrams, PDF format)
How to Create a Heart-in-Hand Valentine Card eHow.com
Cheater's patchwork,cut and paste fabric squares: a card making tutorial
Flower hearts Yvonne's dk...pdf dnload of pattern only
Pastel hearts Yvonnes dk dnload of pdf pattern only

Crazy Patch Heart
Click to download the pdf

String Heart Block from sophie
Many Pieced Heart Blocks by Carol Doak, including Pink Ribbons and Hearts
Many Pieced Heart Blocks by Carol Doak, including Pink Ribbons and Hearts

from Midnight Creations
Tutorial: Crocheted Stuffed Heart
AmeriHearts at Home
Large Heart Wreath Block
Downloadable pdf heart block patterns:
Heart Quilt Block Pattern #1
Heart Quilt Block Pattern #2
Heart Quilt Block Pattern #3
Heart Quilt Block Pattern #4
Heart Quilt Block Pattern #5
Heart Quilt Block Pattern #6
Heart Quilt Block Pattern #7
Mrs. Mary Cutout Heart (pdf)
From Oxford Seminary (a circle of hearts form a star in the center)
and quilt above from AZ Patch, also
Quiltmaker Floral Hearts
About.com PP Heart can be a Signature Block

Piece by Number, CandyBox Heart
Quilters Online Resource, Hearts A Bloom
Quilters Online Resource, Beginner HeartsEZ Quilts Heart Block
18" Square
Here’s My Heart
Ute-Barbara Skjønberg, Norway
Heart Block
Quiltaholics Heart Block
Heart Block, Cole Brothers
Janet Smith’s Hearts pdf download
JC Quilts, Pieced Heart
JC Quilts, 1997, PP
JC Quilts, 1998, PP
Australian Heartland pdf
Pat Patches Crazy Heart (in Portuguese) pdf:http://www.pat.patches.nom.br/Down/2003/BMJan03.pdf simple pieced heart with lots of diagrams
The Heart Pillow Program for Heart and Stroke Patients
Bypass Heart Surgery Heart, Photo
Quilt Logic
Quilters Neighbourhood Pieceable Hearts
Quilt Pox Think Pink Hearts
Red Dawn’s Woven Heart PP: paper pieced
Sandy Bonsib’s Pieced Heart Block
Sew Quilty, Jake’s Heart
Sew Quilty, Scrappy Heart
Sew Quilty, Strippy Heart
My Portable Hand-sewing Kit.
Heart Pin Step-by-Step
My Newest Add-ins
tiny tutorial ~ Valentines: Jane LaFazio's handsewn felt hearts and painted rocks..
Love Bugs
There is something extra special about receiving a handmade Valentine. These Valentine ladybugs are a cute way to let someone know how much you care. It's a fun and easy project that even the kids can help out with. You can make one or a whole class set of these adorable love bugs. It's okay to be creative with the colors. This is a great way to use up some of the bits of scrapbooking paper you may already have.
- 1 piece of white cardstock to print the heart template
- 1 piece of colored cardstock
- 1 piece of coordinating patterned paper
- 2 small brads - I used heart shaped ones, but plain brass ones work fine
- pencil
- scissors
- black pen or marker
- 1/8 inch hole punch
- 2 small googly eyes and glue (optional)
Directions can be found here: Love Bug Valentine's

sewing kit ensemble!
You can find the tutorials for most of these "Snippets" HERE,
→ Tutorial/Downloadable Pattern ←

from Midnight Creations
Tutorial: Crocheted Stuffed Heart
AmeriHearts at Home
Large Heart Wreath Block
Downloadable pdf heart block patterns:
Heart Quilt Block Pattern #1
Heart Quilt Block Pattern #2
Heart Quilt Block Pattern #3
Heart Quilt Block Pattern #4
Heart Quilt Block Pattern #5
Heart Quilt Block Pattern #6
Heart Quilt Block Pattern #7
Mrs. Mary Cutout Heart (pdf)
From Oxford Seminary (a circle of hearts form a star in the center)
and quilt above from AZ Patch, also
Quiltmaker Floral Hearts
About.com PP Heart can be a Signature Block

Piece by Number, CandyBox Heart
Quilters Online Resource, Hearts A Bloom
Quilters Online Resource, Beginner HeartsEZ Quilts Heart Block
18" Square
Here’s My Heart
Ute-Barbara Skjønberg, Norway
Heart Block
Quiltaholics Heart Block
Heart Block, Cole Brothers
Janet Smith’s Hearts pdf download
JC Quilts, Pieced Heart
JC Quilts, 1997, PP
JC Quilts, 1998, PP
Nutmeg Nook’s Primitive Heart
Australian Heartland pdf
Pat Patches Crazy Heart (in Portuguese) pdf:http://www.pat.patches.nom.br/Down/2003/BMJan03.pdf simple pieced heart with lots of diagrams
The Heart Pillow Program for Heart and Stroke Patients
Bypass Heart Surgery Heart, Photo
Quilt Logic
Quilters Neighbourhood Pieceable Hearts
Quilt Pox Think Pink Hearts
Red Dawn’s Woven Heart PP: paper pieced
Sandy Bonsib’s Pieced Heart Block
Sew Quilty, Jake’s Heart
Sew Quilty, Scrappy Heart
Sew Quilty, Strippy Heart
My Portable Hand-sewing Kit.
Heart Pin Step-by-Step
Free Sewing Accessories Patterns: Updated for 2015'
Want to sew from your heart to others who share that heart and your love of sewing? Think little gifts of your own created pincushion, a needle book, and other fun ideas! Here's just a few of the ones I've collected over the years..see all of them at the sewing accessories link above to go to that page on my blog!!!
Pin Cushion in a Cup Tutorial

Isn't this the cutest pincushion, ever? Check it out and find a tutorial to make your own at: \

Anna Marie Horner Wild Flower Pincushion
Children Can Make this Needlecase from Nini!
Cupcake pincushion by Crativity Amongst Chaos
Doughnut Pincushion Tutorial by Fave Crafts
Sea Dreaming:Crazy Quilted with Beads and Shells Pincushion
Children Can Make this Needlecase from Nini!
How to make a mouse pincushion or fill it with catnip for your own furry loved ones.

Strawberry: You may remember seeing charming strawberry pincushions like these in your grandmother’s sewing box.Easy Patchwork: These are fairly easy, take about an hour, and it’s a great way to use up little scrap pieces.


Hex: Trimmed with fabric binding, includes a template to download.
Tea Cup Flower: You’ll need enough scraps of fabric for 10 tea cup circles.
Tea Cup Flower: You’ll need enough scraps of fabric for 10 tea cup circles.

click image!
Pincushion Tutorial: click image above!
Chicken Pincushions with Thread Caddy Nests

Berry: The use of woollen yarns and simple stitches make this a quick and easy project to create. Free pdf pattern download.
Simply Geometric: It is made up of circles, squares and triangles. Simply geometric!


Mushroom: Fairly simple project that requires a bit of sewing and a hot glue gun.
Giant: These are super simple to make and adorable! They come in handy around your sewing room and work as great gifts for sewing friends.
Giant: These are super simple to make and adorable! They come in handy around your sewing room and work as great gifts for sewing friends.

Button Center: With this pincushion, now you have a cute and colorful landing place for all of your sewing pins.
Homegrown Tomato: Stitch a robust heirloom variety in loosely woven linen or cherry tomatoes in dainty gingham.


Bari J. Pincushion: Free pdf download available.


Yo-Yo: Make yo-yo’s from scratch or with a yo-yo maker for these cuties
Teacup: Made with vintage teacups.


Pod Flower: Sweet little cushions made with felt.
DIY Owl: An owl shape is made out of modeling clay and then a small fabric pincushion placed in the center.


Scisscors fob from West Michigan Quilter
following directions of friend, Barb Vis
Petit Strawberry: A simple yet pretty pincushion you can attach to scissor handles, a rotary cutter, whatever else you like.

Thread Caddy & Pin Holder: Six little pockets to hold thread, the center is stuffed and
used as a pincushion. Tutorial available via free pdf download.

Ashley from Make it and Love It Pincushion
Thimble pincushion

Pinchushion/Threatchatcher with straps
Pincushion/Thread catcher with lining
Pincushion and Fabric Threadbin
Threadcatcher/pincushion from Lauralynn
Beaded Stilleto (beautiful fabric guiding stick to push fabric along as you sew) Design by Mary Tosch, pdf from Bonnie Hunter/Quiltville.com

Pincushion, Pincushion/Thread Catcher
Chicken Pincushions with Thread Caddy Nests..
Chicken Pincushions with Thread Caddy Nests
Darling little stuffed owl pillow..make one or make lots and give as gifts! A wonderful companion for your sewing room!
tiny tutorial ~ Valentines: Jane LaFazio's handsewn felt hearts and painted rocks..
Love Bugs
There is something extra special about receiving a handmade Valentine. These Valentine ladybugs are a cute way to let someone know how much you care. It's a fun and easy project that even the kids can help out with. You can make one or a whole class set of these adorable love bugs. It's okay to be creative with the colors. This is a great way to use up some of the bits of scrapbooking paper you may already have.
- 1 piece of white cardstock to print the heart template
- 1 piece of colored cardstock
- 1 piece of coordinating patterned paper
- 2 small brads - I used heart shaped ones, but plain brass ones work fine
- pencil
- scissors
- black pen or marker
- 1/8 inch hole punch
- 2 small googly eyes and glue (optional)
Directions can be found here: Love Bug Valentine's
sewing kit ensemble!
You can find the tutorials for most of these "Snippets" HERE,
Quiltscapes Hen Party Chicks Pincushions: TUTORIAL
Hen Party Chicks @ Sew We Quilt: STORY & TUTORIAL
Spring Chickens @ Riley Blake Designs: TUTORIAL
Printer-Friendly Instructions: PATTERN'
I ♥ Appliqué ~ Raw Edge Appliqué Basics
TUTORIAL @ Riley Blake Designs: Photo Tutorial ← click hereI {Heart}♥ Appliqué II Chenille Appliqué
TUTORIAL @ Riley Blake Designs: Photo Tutorial ← click here
Bloomin' Posy
~ Tissue Cozy ~ ;TUTORIAL
~ Tableside Pressing Pad ~ TUTORIAL
~ A Snappy Eyeglass Case ~ TUTORIAL
Heart Box TutorialWhat's in YOUR Sewing Kit? |
Other: Heartstrings Quilt Project by Mary Patriotic Heartstrings for Our Soldiers String Quilting Tutorial and Online Links
;;And Just For Fun! Free Patterns for Hearts to knit or crochet!
- Hearts Baby Blanket - from Care Package, Inc
- Heart Coaster
- Plastic Canvas Heart
- Valentines Fridgie- crocheted
- http://crochet.about.com/library/weekly/aa021099.htm(crochet- links to heart patterns of all kinds!)
- http://www.thesmartyarns.com/americanheartlandafghan.html(crochet - American Heartland Afghan)
- http://members.aol.com/SAG55/fheartaf.html (crochet- pretty filet heart square)
- http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/crochettalk2/granheart.htm(Crochet- pretty filet heart square)
- Bev's 6" Heart square (background)
- Valentine Heart sampler
- Bev's Heart square in x- stitch
- Heart Baby Blanket

Hearts Border With Love
Hearts Filet Crochet Bedspread
Hearts Filet Crochet Tablecloth
Heart With Rose Center

Heart Fridgie At Lee's World: Made with sport weight cotton. (Photo)
Heart Fridgie or Pin At Crochet Memories: Made with worsted weight yarn; center is crocheted around a plastic ring. (Photo)
Valentine Hearts Fridgie At Crochet Memories: Made with small amounts of worsted weight yarn. (Photo)
Valentine Magnet/Pin At Crochet'N More: Made with worsted weight yarn. (Photo)

Textured Hearts Hot Pad At Priscilla's Patterns: Includes instructions for potholder, hotpad and dishcloth. (Photo)

Heart Motif 2 At Jenn's Crochet Page: Made with size #10 cotton thread. (Photo)
Valentine Brooches At Joyful Abode: She gives directions for making the heart shapes into pins. (Photo)

Hen Party Chicks @ Sew We Quilt: STORY & TUTORIAL
Spring Chickens @ Riley Blake Designs: TUTORIAL
Printer-Friendly Instructions: PATTERN'
I ♥ Appliqué
~ Raw Edge Appliqué Basics
TUTORIAL @ Riley Blake Designs: Photo Tutorial ← click here~ Raw Edge Appliqué Basics
I {Heart}♥ Appliqué II
Chenille Appliqué
TUTORIAL @ Riley Blake Designs: Photo Tutorial ← click here
Bloomin' Posy
~ Tissue Cozy ~
~ Tableside Pressing Pad ~
~ A Snappy Eyeglass Case ~
Heartstrings Quilt Project by Mary
Patriotic Heartstrings for Our Soldiers
String Quilting Tutorial and Online Links
And Just For Fun! Free Patterns for Hearts to knit or crochet!
- Hearts Baby Blanket - from Care Package, Inc
- Heart Coaster
- Plastic Canvas Heart
- Valentines Fridgie- crocheted
- http://crochet.about.com/library/weekly/aa021099.htm (crochet- links to heart patterns of all kinds!)
- http://www.thesmartyarns.com/americanheartlandafghan.html (crochet - American Heartland Afghan)
- http://members.aol.com/SAG55/fheartaf.html (crochet- pretty filet heart square)
- http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/crochettalk2/granheart.htm (Crochet- pretty filet heart square)
- Bev's 6" Heart square (background)
- Valentine Heart sampler
- Bev's Heart square in x- stitch
- Heart Baby Blanket

Filet Crochet
The following filet crochet charted patterns are on this site - About Crochet:
Hearts Border (Add Initials)
Hearts Border With Love
Hearts Filet Crochet Bedspread
Hearts Filet Crochet Tablecloth
Heart With Rose Center

Double Hearts Fridgie
At Crochet Memories: Interlocking hearts made with worsted weight yarn.
Heart Fridgie
At Lee's World: Made with sport weight cotton. (Photo)
Heart Fridgie or Pin
At Crochet Memories: Made with worsted weight yarn; center is crocheted around a plastic ring. (Photo)
Valentine Hearts Fridgie
At Crochet Memories: Made with small amounts of worsted weight yarn. (Photo)
Valentine Magnet/Pin
At Crochet'N More: Made with worsted weight yarn. (Photo)

Hearts Hot Pad
On this site - About Crochet: This hot pad uses the ruffling technique; a how-to is included. (Photo)
Textured Hearts Hot Pad
At Priscilla's Patterns: Includes instructions for potholder, hotpad and dishcloth. (Photo)

Heart Motif
At Jenn's Crochet Page: You could use this as an applique, a magnet; bet you can think up more uses. (Photo)
Heart Motif 2
At Jenn's Crochet Page: Made with size #10 cotton thread. (Photo)
Valentine Brooches
At Joyful Abode: She gives directions for making the heart shapes into pins. (Photo)

Heart Shape Pillow
At Crochet Me: Easy-to-make shapes are joined to form the heart-shaped pillow. (Photos)

Connected Hearts Shawl in Filet Crochet
On this site - About Crochet: A triangle shaped shawl pattern that I created, featuring my Connected Hearts charted design.

(My beloved daughter)
Michele Bilyeu Creates With Heart and Hands as she shares her imaginative, magical, and healing journey from Alaska to Oregon. Creating, designing, sewing, quilting, and wildcrafting... from my heart and with my hands.
Oh my goodness..a post of all posts...still thinking of others, even when life gives you a curve ball or two...sending hugs..xo
Lots and lots of curveballs. Such are our challenges and challenges lives. 💜
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