Jul 22, 2016

Peace in Our Hearts

If there is to be peace in the world,
There must be peace in the nations.
If there is to be peace in the nations,
There must be peace in the cities.
If there is to be peace in the cities,
There must be peace between neighbors.
If there is to be peace between neighbors,
There must be peace in the home.
If there is to be peace in the home,
There must be peace in the heart.


Chinese philosopher
6th century bce

With life's many challenges ever increasing, how do we find peace in this horribly troubled world, this universal psyche that chooses the negative over the positive, the masculine over the feminine, the warring over the peace making and bridge building?

How do we choose to feel peace, make peace, be peace in our own hearts? It starts with each of us as individuals, each moment of every single day. And it is not easy but we can do it.

It's all in our attitude.

Today, even just for today, I am choosing peace over anxiety. I am choosing doing something good and positive. I have cooked, I have cleaned, I have gardened, I have sewn. My projects are piling up.
 A great big new stack of quilts and quilting projects in progress for community charitable donation. A new gift quilt in progress, baskets of other blankets and quilts to be worked on next.

Always something to do to keep my hands and heart busy with positive things so I am not swept up into the tidal waves of negativity sweeping our country, sweeping our world.

With a family member in law enforcement, with children and grandchildren facing the challenges of this world in so many ways, with huge changes coming in all ways for our family, I know to keep love and peace in my heart, I must focus on it myself in order to share it and to be it with others. I must and I will and I can.

New events, new beginnings, new reasons to keep on giving from my heart and with my hands with love. Love pushes back the fear, it pushes back the anger, it even pushes back the hatred.

Feel love, create with love, be love and peace will follow.

Michele Bilyeu Creates With Heart and Hands as she shares her imaginative, magical, and healing journey from Alaska to Oregon. Creating, designing, sewing, quilting, and wildcrafting... from my heart and with my hands.

1 comment:

stitchinpenny said...

Love the message. Sadly there are so many that need to hear it that won't. The priest says if you can't make the change any other way pray for it.