Always! Every day. Rain or Shine.
Sleep or not. Busy or busier!
I just love it all!!
So, yes, I've been having fun! And when I'm not outside doing tons of yard work..all of the autumnal pruning has begun, all of the weeding, all of the watering during our exceptionally unusual Oregon drought...I'm inside and sewing in the morning while it's still cool and the windows are all open.
It gets so hot in the sewing nook and my design floor loft that I really can't do much unless it's a rush project like hemming a 95% rayon and 5% spandex long and very lovely dress for a daughter who is off to a wedding and needed it 6" shorter ..as soon as possible. It's a beautiful dress and deserved the best job that I could possibly do.....I wanted to serge the hem with an overcast stitch and then hem it up just a bit after that.
Serger went belly up first thing. Bought a new upper cutting blade...still did not cut and store was not helpful. Husband worked and worked on it..still working on it.
So borrowed a serger from a lovely blessing of a neighbor... and got it done. No photo, after all dressing up for special occasions has to wait for the event photos and the dress is not mine to show. Just mine to sew!
But...pillows, lots of those, plus two fabulous ...love these and hated giving them away ;-) pillowcases (complete with the inside wonderful pillows themselves) an entire set of three curtain panels that made a wonderful curtain with lovely Lotta Jansdotter fabric, a quilt finished in jewel toned flannels..begun a very long time ago... and another one's medallion fabric blocks laid out for sewing soon..so a bit of quilting this month!. Added into the mix, more baby diapers from scratch with the cute little inner flannel blankets for ..well, you know, and finally, a fleece blanket ....as fall and winter are on their way..drought or not drought!
Oh and this little easy sweetie for a little one in crisis or need..you have to have a baby blessing wrap of some kind!
Yes, August was quite busy! You don't even want to see the yard work that I accomplished but my husband worked a lot harder than I did, trust me!
Stress relief every single one. Trust me. With people in and out of hospitals, nursing homes, and family members all busy as can be, we are a doing family in all ways! Can do and do. That's how I deal with stress. The rest of the time, yoga, meditation, and trying to stay out of the ice cream and potato chips as much as I can....
Now, to get ready for Wednesday when our Mid-Valley Quilt Guild (MVQG) presents its annual charity quilting day we call Bolt to Bed. We take fabric (off the bolt or from our scraps and the guilds scraps) we all gather together all day from early in the morning until way past dinnertime, we have tables of things to do, learn, and work on and we make as much as we possibly can for charitable donation!
Am I remembering that I volunteered to set up and work with a table for Making Fidget Quilts for Alzheimer's Patients???
Oh, yes. I did. I also made an artsy fidget quilt and have another one started as examples for the art quilters among us. And maybe, I'll get a simpler one that doesn't take extra time like mine to create for donation to local nursing homes.
I don't just think I can.
I do ;-)
Michele Bilyeu blogs With Heart and Hands as she shares her creative and healing journey from Alaska to Oregon. Wildcrafting and the textiles arts... sewing, quilting, and creating prayer flags. Join me as I add my healing energies to changing our world..one little project, one gift of sharing from my heart, at a time.
Oh my goodness you have been busy. I bet that dress was gorgeous wish we could have seen it. Oh yes and the pillows and the garden!
I'm just hoping we get a long Indian summer as we've really only just got some nice warm weather.
Please send some of your energy immediately, air express...because I am exhausted and I need it.
Isn't is great being busy doing the things we so love doing. My hope is that we can keep doing this for a very long time. Hugs.
Wow you have been busy! I am glad it is helping with your stress level.
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