are found in the "Teacher's Tents" each year! And oh, how fabulous they truly are!
Some of the quilt artists are simply recognizable by their art. June Jaegar (sister of Jean Wells, by her animals, Violet Craft by her paper pieced animals, Rosalie Dace by her earthy colors and wonderful collaged layers..others by their graphics or artistry or piecing, or yes, amazing quilting or wool applique work.

But they are all distinctively beautiful. Others have tried to copy and others always fall short and look like they tried to copy! Gorgeous quilts!!!!!
The Teacher's Tent is always behind the Sisters Art Works building and three blocks from downtown. It's a bit of a walk, I won't lie..but one of the very best things to check out.
Each year the week before the show event "The Quilters Affaire" has instructors and classes with world class teachers and the most amazing and sought after techniques and designs are highlighted by the example quilts of those teachers in this one big top of a tent in the grass. A lovely, lovely exhibit!!
Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show 2014
Dreaming in Color...
The Fabulous "Wish Upon a Card" Project
150th Anniversary State Parks Quilts
Quilts, Quilts and More Quilts
Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show: ab-strakt-ed, improvisational, or modern?
Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show: So Many Quilts to Want to Make!Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show: Two Rivers
Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show: Small Wonders Abound
Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show: Wonders of All Kind
Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show: Rosalie Dace
Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show: Teacher's Tent
Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show: Peter and Wendy Quilts
Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show 2009
Sisters OR: The Little Town With a Big Heart
The Gee's Bend Quilters
Gee's Bend Quilters Sing
2008Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show 2009
Sisters OR: The Little Town With a Big Heart
The Gee's Bend Quilters
Gee's Bend Quilters Sing
Sisters Oregon Quilt Show 2008 (1)
Flying Geese Head for Sisters, OregonSisters Outdoor Quilt Show: The Atmosphere Says It All
Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show: The Buildings are Part of the Quilts
Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show: The People Create the Mood
Sisters: Last But Not Least .... The Quilts !
My Flying Geese Got Cooked, But I'm Back in the Saddle, Again
Michele Bilyeu blogs With Heart and Hands as she shares a quilting journey from Alaska to Oregon with thousands of free Quilting, Sewing, and Crafting Patterns and Tutorials. Help change the world, one little quilt, art quilt, and prayer flag at a time!
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