In honor of this amazing disappearing magic act, I have updated my D4P, D9P, D16P, and all Disappearing Quilt Blocks and their Twist Turn Variations!
The wonderful "Disappearing Nine Patch"seems to be a technique in continual process with new and more involved variations. Simply put, a nine patch block is created and then sliced apart in a myriad of different cuts or with different color arrangements so it literally disappears and is replaced by four smaller units.
The history and the progression into the myriad of new variations is quite interesting! Apparently, Karin Hallaby, wrote a book in 2002 called "Magic Pillows, Hidden Quilts, which included a Magic Nine Patch quilt made using the same technique that's so popular today.
Nancy Brenan Daniel also wrote a book called Disappearing Nine Patch in 2002 but apparently it is quite different from what we are calling that style today.
Eventually, an online blog by Helen Bailey, featured a tutorial about her own use of the disappearing nine patch but she referred to it by a different name.
The same technique has been called Tossed Nine Patch (by Eleanor Burns) and (possibly) 9 to 4 by other quilters and authors. In my quilt guild, we use a hand drawn pattern and call it 'Fractured 9 Patch' all works, and they are basically all the same but variations come with color selections, as well as placement of those colors.
And now of course, we have disappearing 4 patches, 9 patches, and on and on with so many fun and varied improvisations.
But just to have a look, check out some of the images and links that I have discovered and create new and easy blocks and quilts of your own!
Let's start with some fun and simple 4 Patches as I share links to some tutorials and some different variations from what you might think of as a D4P..or Disappearing 4 Patch, as well!
How to make them like I have at top and here, once again. I have made a LOT of these...easy and fun!
Disappearing 9 Patch Quilt by Michele Bilyeu of With Heart and Hands
Enlarge the photos of the sheets above as needed and there is also a super cheat sheet for yardage etc!
Disappearing 4 Patch
This version..below.... is also great with Charm Packs!
Quilt link to her blog for the tutorial!
wonky disappearing four patch
Some photos below courtesy of Beth at Love, Laugh, Quilt and other free use and share Google images
Here ....The Disappearing Patch: free quilt patterns, tutorial or photo ideas:
Simplest design and cut:
The copies of the wonderful instructions that I personally use to make my own D9P quilts...thanks to Bonnie our Comfort Quilt Chairperson from our Mid-Valley Quilt Guild,here in Salem, OR linkage.
Additional ideas:
Jet over here for cutting requirements: Making a Disappearing 9 Patch Quilt
Other ideas and inspiration
Disappearing 9 Patch
Disappearing Nine Patch
Disappearing 9 Patch/Twist Turn variation
Modern D9P by Kristy Daum
Disappearing 9 Patch tutorial
Another version of the Disappearing 9 Patch tutorial
A different color scheme for the D9P quilt
Disappearing 9-Patch Variation
Disappearing 9-Patch Variation from Chock a Block Quilt Blocks
The Twist and Turn D9P quilt
A Disappearing Nine Patch…
Are you sure?
It is indeed a disappearing nine patch. Here’s a quick photo tutorial for you…. courtesy of Jo and her Country Junction..the pdf links to her own page of downloads.

Now you need to turn the blocks….like this, and you can see the quilt pattern form.

As Jo just keep making blocks until the quilt is big enough and then you choose how to border etc. What fun!!
Here's something else to look at another site:
1.You just make 16 blocks in a variety of colors, cut it up diagonally in both directions
3. And Magic happens!
or this one:
2. Randomly selected two triangles and seam together..over and over again with sets.
3. And Magic happens!
And look at all the variations you can create!!!
Need some links for photo by photo tutorial? Check out this one:
Happy Quilting Quilt-A-Long Disappearing 16 Patch Instructions
or this one:
Check out: Mellisa from Happy Quilting as she guest blogs at Sew We Stitch:
The Disappearing 16 Patch
Or again try this one at The Patchwork Possee!
Disappearing 16 Patch Quilt Block Tutorial
And on Craftsy she provides a downloadable card for all her variations!
or click on image to go to Craftsy site!
Want something simpler? Wonkier? Another Variation??
And here are some wacky block ideas that are not quite a D9P but very popular and make up with a fun and similar look!

Wacky 9 Patch
Wavy Nine Patch by Debbie, The Traveling Quilter
Word | PDF
D9P and D4P and Variations!
disappearing rail fence
Maybe Hidden Wells, too. hwells.htm
click above to link up or go to: and CHARTS Quilt Sizes By Bed or Mattress Sizes :
Making a Disappearing Double 9 Patch and just starting out?
Check out these tutorials!!
Quilting at
Design and Sew
Disappearing 9 Patch
Need a video to understand how they work???
- Disappearing Nine Patch is a simple variation on the traditional nine-patch block. It is very easy to make, and looks impressive when finished.
- 24, 2010 - 4 min - Uploaded by MissouriQuiltCo - Jenny shows how to make the fabulous disappearing nine patch quilt block using ...
- 26, 2009 – you've just made a disappearing 9-patch the SUPER easy way!!! now make 2 more blocks and you can be the proud owner of this... all you ... 22, 2007 – The Disappearing 9 Patch block is great. Very easy to make, but looks quite impressive when done! I first discovered it in a book called "Magic ... 15, 2011 – Is "double disappearing nine patch" the right name or is someone out ... omg. i love it! disappearing 9-patch had never appealed to me, but ...
- a disappearing nine patch quilt using my easy-to-follow instructions. This easy quilt pattern is perfect for quilters of all skill levels, including beginners.
- 29, 2012 – Chock-A-Block Quilt Blocks: Disappearing 9-Patch Variation: Disappearing 9-
Patch Variation This is another way to transform a 9-patch block
Disappearing 9-Patch Quilt Pattern - Patterns / Quilts For Kids
- Patterns. Disappearing 9-Patch Quilt Pattern. Fabric Yardage: Fabric A - 5/8 yard. Fabric B - 3/4 yard. Fabric C - 1/4 yard. Inner Border - 1/4 yard ...
- 14, 2010 - 2 min - Uploaded by pennyh123
- 24, 2010 - 6 min -
- 24, 2010 - 4 min - Uploaded by MissouriQuiltCo - Jenny shows how to make the fabulous disappearing nine patch quilt block using ...
Disappearing 16 Patch!· Jan 2, 2014 - Uploaded by Missouri Star Quilt CompanyLove this disappearing pinwheel tutorial. I have a lot of fabric that's not in 10' blocks. so I will be using· Oct 4, 2012 - Uploaded by MissouriQuiltCo -- Jenny Doan shares the awesome, but easy Disappearing 4 Patch technique using 26, 2014 - Uploaded by Missouri Star Quilt CompanyThe Disappearing Hourglass Quilt- Easy Quilting with Layer Cakes! Missouri ..... Love your tutorials and shop 9, 2014 - Uploaded by Missouri Star Quilt CompanyThough this tutorial makes the quilt seem super simple, there are a few .... made the Disappearing Pinwheel ...
Excuse the wacky numbers above. For over 10 years I've been blogging on my mobile phone as we just cannot get decent wifi where we live.
And yes I'm a certifiably crazy blogger as well as quilter! But its keeping my heart and hands busy during so many challenging times!
Michele Bilyeu blogs With Heart and Hands as she shares a quilting journey from Alaska to Oregon with thousands of free Quilting, Sewing, and Crafting Patterns and Tutorials. Help change the world, one little quilt, art quilt, and prayer flag at a time!
Wow! You did so much work to present us with this blog post! I love all the different designs and patterns. I have been quilting and watching and reading about quilting for years, but some of these I've never seen! I could sit here for a week and try every one of these! but..... even though I'm retired, can never even seem to find an entire DAY to sit and sew or craft. I love the D16P.... that is one I may tackle... at least a wall hanging! Thank you SO SO MUCH for sharing your wonderful skills and talents. Marilyn
These are so much fun. Thanks for bringing them back again. I'm going to have the girls at my quilting class make a disappearing 9 patch this coming week.
I love all the variations in these disappearing blocks. You can make really intricate patterns starting with such simple shapes!
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