Apr 3, 2013

It Must Really Be Spring!

I hope you all had a glorious Easter Sunday! It was absolutely beautiful in Oregon...sunny and warm all of this past week!

We had  great family get togethers during these holi-days.  Among all of our traditional and cultural practices, we all have special observances.

I like to focus on the family and share these days as I can.  During this holiday weekend, I set up one of my 'wildcrafting' projects with stations for each step of the project and we ended up designing and creating with a paper making craft. It was a day long (and into a second, and then a third day of followup) but an incredible amount of fun for everyone.

I never cease to be surprised at how differently others are during the creative process.  I love it! Once you get music playing and inspiration flowing, people often break free... or through.... the creative blocks that generally restrict their choices, or ability to liberate themselves from creative restraints.

I could see that some things weren't working and others were evolving and morphing into forms that might not worked or be liked later on..but I could also see that  but bit by bit the glitches worked out.I just decided to not give as many directions or pointers as I might have wanted to. Sometimes, it is just a lot more fun to let others see where their own choices lead them and what results they get..even if I think I know just what is going to happen and that they may not like those choices ;)

We all need a bit of letting loose and allowing the magic to come in and have fun!

And on Easter Sunday, we shared a great meal (that my good natured husband worked on while the rest of us were again crafting and having fun) and later shared goodies that the Easter bunny brought....great fun..and a lovely day!

And speaking of bunnies, my eldest daughter had her own little Easter miracle and spotted not one, but TWO real life Easter bunnies in her back yard. Aren't they just the cutest?

I'm sure they were escapess from someone's ill advised Easter purchases or adoptions. I can only hope they find their own, or an even better home, again!  They ran off immediately, but she at least has these darling little photos!

Hope your Easter was as wonderful as ours!  Its officially spring now and you know what that means..spring into Spring cleaning time and lots and lots of fun new projects to contemplate and perhaps, even start!

We did ours, and I have so many more that I want to do! It will take me a couple of days to finish this last one off as it has a series of final steps before completion. But this is when feel the happiest (other than when I am off doing healing hearts and hands work!) I love, love, love to create!  Whether those creations are in this realm or a far deeper and greater one..they lighten my spirits and brighten my soul!

Happy Spring!

My blog is still not updating on blog link lists and dashboards..some crazy blogger glitch! Please check back often as I am publishing almost every single day trying to catalyze blogger to break free!

I just did another complaint in a help column to blogger..and within a few minutes..I could see my blog post in someone's link list after two weeks of invisibility.

This blog post shows up, then disappears...it must be magic! IF you see this bunny post on your own link list, please click and connect with me over and over..until I stay in one place long enough to feel real. Who knew I'd be a Velveteen Rabbit over Easter?

Comment Form:
Also appears and disappears...sorry about that!

Michele Bilyeu blogs With Heart and Hands as she shares a quilting journey through her life in Salem, Oregon and Douglas, Alaska and all of her AAQI Quilting. Sharing thousands of links to Free Quilt and Quilt Block Patterns and encouraging others to join in the Liberated Quilting Challenge and make or donate small art quilts to the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative (AAQI) Help us change the world, one little quilt at a time!