Apr 27, 2012

Ties That Bind: Blog Hop and Give Away 2012

This drawing ended in 2012!

Continue to leave a comment on this post for a win through May 2nd (2012)!

I'm part of a Blog Hop and a fabulous Give Away Drawing, today! Thanks to Michele Foster and Marie Bostwick for including me in this fun..... as I love giving things away!!!

Michele Foster of the Quilting Gallery is a huge fan of writer, Marie Bostwick, and her wonderful series of novels based on the friendships created in the small town of New Bern, Connecticut and its Cobbled Courts Quilt Shop.

So when Michele wrote me (we became one 'l' Michele friends long before she created the Quilting Gallery..such fun!) and asked if I would be interested in being one of 10 selected bloggers to be given an advance copy of Marie's latest book Ties that Bind, and be part of her online book tour...and give away a free book..of course I gave a resounding "Yes!"

Marie Bostwick, is the author of four previous books in Cobbled Court series of novels:
Threading the Needle, A Thread So Thin, A Thread of Truth, A Single Thread
.....but this fifth novel carries itself very well, even on its own!

Drawn immediately into the story, by the newest character, Phillipa, and the complications of her relationship with her family (especially her capable and accomplished father), I was able to quickly put together the bits and pieces of the colorful characters in her brand new home in the village of New Bern, Connecticut.

With the close knit relationships centering around the Cobbled Courts Quilts Shop and its owner, and the wonderful quilts, and classes, I was reminded of my own journey of learning to quilt and the joys that friendships, as well as the complications of learning and sewing together, can bring to each of us in our own quilting journeys. And while I learned to quilt on my own, I also began with a small project, just as Phillipa does.

The suspense filled twists and turns of the plot, as well as the ways that we all find our own ways through all of them, mirrored my own 'ties that bind' with people who are not always appearing to be who we think them, and the journey we all go on as we find our way through new friendships, new jobs, or even moving into a new home, or a whole new town!

I can guarantee that if you liked any of Marie Bostwick's previous books, you most assuredly will enjoy digging into this one. And if you are a new reader, it's a great way to thread your own needle, and get started!

I know those of you who find extra enjoyment in novels with quilting themes or connections, will find and make those readily in the people, the stories, and the relationships in the....

Ties that Bind

Book Synopsis:
Christmas is fast approaching, and New Bern, Connecticut, is about to receive the gift of a new pastor, hired sight unseen to fill in while Reverend Tucker is on sabbatical. Meanwhile, Margot Matthews’ friend, Abigail, is trying to match-make even though Margot has all but given up on romance. She loves her job at the Cobbled Court Quilt Shop and the life and friendships she’s made in New Bern; she just never thought she’d still be single on her fortieth birthday.
It’s a shock to the entire town when Phillip A. Clarkson turns out to be Philippa. Truth be told, not everyone is happy about having a female pastor. Yet despite a rocky start, Philippa begins to settle in—finding ways to ease the townspeople’s burdens, joining the quilting circle, and forging a fast friendship with Margot. When tragedy threatens to tear Margot’s family apart, that bond—and the help of her quilting sisterhood—will prove a saving grace. And as she untangles her feelings for another new arrival in town, Margot begins to realize that it is the surprising detours woven into life’s fabric that provide its richest hues and deepest meaning…

To win a free copy of Marie Bostwick's newest novel, Ties that Bind,
just leave a comment on this post.

A comment by any of you wins the publisher's brand new copy of the book!

A comment by one of my followers (please let me know that you are a follower!)
1. wins my own advance copy of this book.
2. plus my little mug rug shown above.

3. plus some secret extra gifts
for being so extra nice!

Comments are open until May 2, 2012 for the drawing and the Give Aways.

And anonymous readers may comment,
just leave email addy info, here, or mail them to me, and if you are an
anonymous follower and want your name in the extra drawing...let me know in your comment!

Extra Gifts for All:


and my intro post on this:
Ties That Bind, Marie Bostwick, and Me

Marie Bostwick Blog Hop Tour

Tuesday, April 24
Wednesday, April 25
Thursday, April 26
Friday, April 27
Saturday, April 28

Now, don't forget to leave a comment to be in my drawing ;)

Michele Foster: http://quiltinggallery.com/tag/ties-that-bind-blog-hop-tour/
Marie Facebook https://www.facebook.com/mariebostwick

Michele Bilyeu blogs With Heart and Hands as she shares a quilting journey through her life in Salem, Oregon and Douglas, Alaska. Sharing thousands of links to Free Quilt and Quilt Block Patterns and encouraging others to join in her Liberated Quilting Challenge for the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative (AAQI) Help us change the world, one little quilt at a time!


Louise in Iowa said...

Thanks for taking part in this giveaway - I love Marie's books!

Bee Quilter said...

Count me in! And I am already a follower, so add my name for that extra drawing, too!

Robyn said...

I'd love a chance to win, thank you.

EngrSandi said...

I love Marie's books and am looking forward to this next installment in the Cobbled Quilt series.

Thanks for playing along with the blog hop!


Sandy said...

Just read 2 of her books. Please enter me in your drawing.

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in this drawing. I am also a follower for the second drawing. Will email info as to whom I am. Marsha in Mo.

Sandra said...

I am a big fan of Marie; have read all of her books. Would love to win a copy of her latest.

Anonymous said...

I am a new follower of your. I found you with this blog hop. I love Marie's books and I really like you picture of lilacs.

Joyce Carter said...

I love to read, but haven't read any of her books. This one has me very interested though so I would love to win it. Thank you so much for the chance. I am a new follower and would like for you to enter me in the second drawing as well. Thank you again.

Caren Kristine said...

I would love to read that book. I haven't read one of hers before, but love books with quilters!

Paula, the quilter said...

I have read all the previous books by Marie and liked them. I'm a follower, but then you know that.

valerie boudier said...

Would love to read that book. I follow you on Facebook as I find that easier. Don't know whether that counts for the extra drawing

Lyn said...

I am a new follower. Thanks so much for the chance to win Marie's new book.

Anonymous said...

Pat in Mo.I've won $75.00 once,that's all I've ever won.New to quilting too,love reading quilt books.

Laurel said...

i love marie's books!!

Linda at LRDesignsQuilting said...

Thanks for the chance to win, I have not read any of her books!

Kathy H said...

I haven't read any of Marie's books yet but several of my friends have recommended her books also. Thanks for the chance to win her latest book. I am a follower.

Gene Black said...

I have been following this blog hop faithfully hoping to win this book. Thanks for a chance to win it.

Anonymous said...

I haven't read any of Marie's books yet, but they sound interesting and I would love to win one. I am a follower of your site.

Sally said...

I'd love to read this book! I'll look for more by the author too! Love your site, I'm a new follower.

tubakk said...

I love all quilt books, but I've never sees this before. Would like to win one. Thanks for the giveaway from Norway!

Estie said...

Thanks for offering the book giveaway. Enjoyed reading your blog.

jan said...

Thanks for the great giveaway. Cheers!!!! for your blog and all the wonderful work you do with AAQI.

Karen said...

I would love to win this book. Thanks for the chance.

Josie McRazie said...

I am a follower and I think this book looks lovely!! :)

Donna Joy said...

I haven't read any of Maria's books, but they sound wonderful.
And they are quilt related, sounds fun.

Debbie said...

I am a follower, Michele! Thanks for participating in the blog hop.

ThreadCatcher said...

I am excited to read the latest installment in Marie's series. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of my own.

Donna Joy said...

I AM a follower and would be so excited to win your mug rug and other surprises
Thanks so much

Kathryn said...

I always look forward to Marie's books. Thanks for the giveaway. Kathie L in Allentown

Karen, aka Yaya said...

I am a follower of your blog. I read Marie's first book in this series on my vacation in January and loved it. I would love to win your giveaway!

Karen, aka Yaya said...

I am a follower of your blog. I read Marie's first book in this series on my vacation in January and loved it. I would love to win your giveaway!

Dee said...

I m a new follower - Love your blog. I appreciate the opportunity for this amazing give-a-way.

MissesStitches said...

Just found your blog and I love it. I've read Marie's other books, and can't wait to read this one. Isn't quilting great!?!

Cecilia said...

I just found yor blog and am a new follower. Thanks for the chance to win and for the free baby quilt patterns. I've enjoyed looking around your blog.

Anonymous said...

I'd love a copy. I've read at least 3 of them.
Claire in N. CA from Lib-Quilters Yahoo group

Peggy said...

Hi Michelle, Love your blog and come here often. I would love a copy of the book.

zonnedekens said...

I haven't read any of Maria's books, but they sound wonderful. I'd love to read it .greetings from Belgium

Celia said...

Hi Michelle, I'm a follower too, and no matter what, thanks for pointing out an author new to me. I love those books centered around a small town and its inhabitants. Good luck everyone.

SewCalGal said...

Sounds like a fun new book. Thanks for the review and a chance to win a copy, as well as win one of your lovely Mug Rugs.


linda d said...

Your FB posts are a bright spot in my day. Hope to see you soon!

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I know this is about the book, but I'm in love with your Banner.

JoyceLM said...

I'm a big fan of Marie Bostwick's book & I'm a follower. Thanks for the chance to win.

Maria Kievit said...

Just became a new follower. Thanks for the book giveaway.

Loris said...

I have just learned of Marie's books today through this blog hop. Can't wait to read one! Thanks for hosting in the giveaway :-)

Judy1522 said...

I am now a follower of your blog. I have not read any of Marie's books but they sound like books I would enjoy and I love to read so am always looking for a new book to read.

Darlene B said...

I would love to win a copy of Marie's new book. I've read the previous 4 and can't wait to see what happens next...

I am a follower!

Ariane said...

I would love to win a copy of this book. I've never read her books before. Thanks for the chance to win. I'm a follower!!

mary e said...

i'm a first time visitor and now a follower too. it would be lovely to have a new book to read. nice blog.

The Village Queen said...

Love her books and am on the wait list at the library. Thanks for the chance!

Cathy said...

Hi! I am a follower, and would love a copy of this book!

Happy quilting!

Cathy Brose

Elizabeth said...

Thanks for participating in the blog hop. I look forward to reading Marie's new book. I enjoy reading fiction novels about quilters. Thanks for all you share.

Gmama Jane said...

Hello, and thanks for a wonderful give-away! I am one of your followers but to tell the truth I had forgotten I was! I am so glad I reconnected and found you all over again! Do you ever do that? There are so many great quilters in blogland, its hard to keep up. I do hope you will visit me at my little blog when you have a moment from creating all the wonderful projects you have dreamed up!
Gmama Jane

. said...

Oh, what fun! I am a follower of your lovely blog and if I were to be drawn I am giving the book away to some elderly ladies who live at the Laurie Knolls, an assistant living residence in Laurie, Mo.

flowersbygram@gmail.com or sheila-adinnerofherbs.blogspot.com

Unknown said...

This book sounds like it would be great to read! And to have your extra giveaways??? That would be the cherry on the top!!! :) Thanks for the opportunity to win such a great giveaway!!! :) By the way, I'm a new follower!!!

Sewgirl said...

I have so enjoyed the first 2 copies of Marie's books that I found at the library. Alas, they have not carried any more of her books, and I have not been able to follow the antics of the cobbled court folks, but I would love to win a copy so I could keep up!

Sewgirl said...

I am a follower of your blog too BTW!

Anonymous said...

The book sounds grand!!! Love your site -- I will be a follower now that I found you.


GG said...

I just became a follower of your site. Glad I found you via the Ties That Bind Blog Hop

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I love your give aways. I am a follower and I'd love to win a book!

Unknown said...

thank you for this chance. hugs

Julie said...

I love her books. Thanks

Julie said...

I am also a follower.

Ocean Dreams said...

Being a follower of this blog is the best thing I ever signed up for and I don't join things. Your blog is terrific and this sounds like fun!

Celine said...

Thanks for the chance to win the book. I don't know Marie's books but I have added them to my amazon wish list if I am not the lucky one.
Celine_Combet at yahoo.co.uk

Scrappy Quilts said...

I'd love to join in the fun. I've been following this blog for a long while and always enjoy my visits. Thanks for all the tutorials, tips, free patterns and this drawing too!

Quilt Junquee said...

Sign me up! I'm pretty sure I'm a follower from way back. A

Diane Wild said...

Thanks for the chance to win Marie's book. I really like her characters. I will become a follower.

Anonymous said...

Love quilt series book. This is a new one for me, but would love a chance to try it out! marjorie @yahoo group I've written you before

UcanQuilt2 said...

I m a new follower - Love your blog. I appreciate the opportunity for this give-a-way. I haven't read this book yet. This would be a great opportunity to read it now. Thanks again

Sherri said...

I am loving this blog hop! Not only do I get to see new blogs, but I adore Marie's books and can't wait to get my hands on this latest one!

Thank you for participating!!!

cityquilter grace said...

sounds like a terrific read, go ahead, pull my name...LOL

Anonymous said...

No, No, shes going to draw MY name! This sounds like a great lighthearted, fun book. Love your blog. I just signed up to be a follower.


rag55 said...

I'm a visitor here and would love to win any of the prizes. Thank you for the chance!

Rosa said...

I love this blog hop book and I`d like to read it.Looks fun book.I`m a happy follower.Thanks for the chance!

The Thimblemouse of Country Crossroads said...

Michele, I'm brand new to your blog and arrived here thru the 'hop'. I'm now a follower - in part because of your wonderful quilt posts - but also because of your sincere and honest look into your experience with your family and Alzheimers. My dear mom is 92 with progressive dementia - and your words touched my heart.

jenclair said...

:) I'm a follower, of course!

Jeanne Gwin said...

Michele, you are a very special lady. thank you for the chance to win this book.

Jeanne Gwin said...

I am a follower of your blog which I find to be poignant and warm. I am so glad I found your blog months ago.

Linda said...

What a lovely giveaway! I would love to win so my fingers are crossed. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I am your biggest fan and follower, and have treasured our friendship. I also love to read the books by Marie Bostwick, and am really looking forward to reading her latest book. Pbear in Salem, OR

Colleen said...

I've read three of Marie's books and really liked them. I would love to win.

stichnRN said...

i would love to read marie's new book.....hope i win.

stichnRN said...

i am a new follower of your blog. love your work with alzheimers. i am a big supporter of AAQI. sorry to say i have bought more than made, but they all count.

Carl and Mary said...

Love all your energy, M'Ixchel, and the amazing number of contacts you have -- such an inspiration to so many! Mary in Panama

Sallie said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love to read this book!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win the book.

Susan said...

I have never read any of Marie's books...but would love to!

Dinah said...

Please enter me in the giveaway, and thank you for the chance to win!

quiltmom anna said...

Hi Michele,
I love stories that involve quilting - I have never read any of Marie's books but they look like an interesting series. Thanks for participating in the bloghop. You are so great at sharing your ideas and expertise.
One of your lucky followers is going win one terrific prize. I love being one of your followers but I especially consider myself fortunate to be your blogging friend. You are a real treasure.
Quilting is indeed about the ties that bind.Warmest regards,

heleen said...

this looks like alovely book

Clare said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Clare said...

Oh go on then. If I must! I can never resist a give away!


Pippa Parsons said...

I love these books...and i'm a follower :) Clare....share it with me if u win !!!

ladybug said...

When I am not sewing I am reading so would love to win. I am also a follower from the liberated group. Carol

Quiltsmiles said...

Michele, I'd enjoy reading the stories in this book. Luckily my mother, grandmother and great grand mother all love the rhythym of the needle so I'm teaching very softly this craft to my 6 year old granddaughter. Another tie that binds. Thanks for the chance. Jane

Willa said...

I am a follower thru google reader.

Would enjoy reading the book and the other goodies too!

Sally Langston Warren said...

I love your blog and have it bookmarked under my "A plus quilt blogs" which is the list I go to daily. The others I have bookmarked under "quilt blogs" are of interest but not top-notched!:) I also love the Marie Bostick books. I've read all of hers to date, so would be tickled to win a copy of her newest one. I'd read it and then pass it on......Oh, pick me!:)

Dorothy Matheson said...

The book sounds just great. This is a new to me author and I am greatful to find one that sounds so nice. I am a follower of your bog and the Liberated Quilt Challange II.

QuiltinGram said...

I just became of follower of your great site. Chance to win..fantastic. I am an avid reader/quilter and plan to source/research were to obtain more of Maria's books in Canada.
CathyC in Alberta

OhioLori said...

I love the bright Baby Quilts! Know they were not only sewn & given with Love....but will be specially Loved by the lil' ones that get them! Soooo coool!

I'm a follower of your wonderful Blog too! (been here many times, but just actually signed up...had thought I was already..lol)

Thanks for the chance to win! :)

Sarah in Houston said...

I can't wait to read the book.

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

wonderful offer Michele! TY for the follower xtras ;) happy to have that opp...
i've added my gfc contact ~ tea's on at Faith Hope & Cherrytea - Welcome!

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

luved this so much i've added to my wishlist! and tweeted about it's arrival ;) @_eHope

June D said...

What a fun give away! Thank for putting my name in the hat for the drawing!

June D said...

And of course I'm already a follower....

Karen said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I love to read and now I will have a new series to look for at the library.

magicthimblecreations said...

This is a nice give away. I am now a follower and looking forward to exploring your blog.

Sharon said...

great review! I just became a follower too. Great give away! thanks for hosting@

Vesuviusmama said...

I own and have read the rest of the books in this series, and I look forward to reading this one as well!

Anonymous said...

The book sound wonderful. I'd love to be in your drawing for a chance to win it. Thanks.

pinsandneedles said...

I love Marie Bostwick's stories! I would love to win her book!

Gidget said...

Would love to win this. Please count me in as well.

Andi said...

I'm a follower! Thanks for the giveaway.

Linda C said...

I follow along with you on facebook and have your blog in my feeds but I know I have a snowball's chance of winning a book. I just want to tell you how much I admire your pro bono work. Take care and keep on quiltin'

Anonymous said...

I would love to read this. I have read a few Elm Creek Quilts knockoffs but have not found any that are as good. Yes, I am a follower.

Anonymous said...

I just commented on how cute your baby quilts are and how nice of you to do all of this. I emailed you as louanne with a yahoo addy.

Cat said...

How awesome - a book that has a "quilt" related story that I didn't know about. Now I have to get the others. Thanks for this giveaway and yes I am a follower. Love Love Love your site.

Maree said...

I am a follower of your blog. Thanks for the chance to win this great book. PS - I love your two quilts on your latest blog post. I am making a string quilt at the moment and am now interested in adding some appliqued flowers. Yours look fabulous.

Rosa said...

I`d love to read the book.Of course,I`m a happy follower.Thanks for the chance!!

Annmarie said...

I love Marie's books & would love to win her latest - thanks for the chance!

Kd Brown said...

I love Marie Bostwick's books and am a new follower of your blog as WeimerMom. Thanks for a great giveaway. :)

mary e said...

love to win her latest book. thanks.

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

follower commenting..
especially love your new post on this book with your baby quilt patterns and insights into the encouragement you bring to others with your abundant quilting!
i am blessed by your generosity!
i have made a britely coloured 'security blanket' [quilt] in a one day quilt fest for a local org that provides them for children in abusive situations & know the joy of bringing that measure of help for a small child.. grateful to have your stories and pix to inspire ! TY!
looking fwd to this book's addition in the series!

Jen said...

Would love to win a copy! Thanks!

Unknown said...

I'm a follower. This is an awesome giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity. :) I am sharing your giveaway on my blog too.

Anonymous said...

I am a follower and would Love to Win Marie Bostwick's new book "Ties That Bind". This is a Name I am giving to a Quilt I am making now for my Brother from My Dad's Shirts and Ties. I love your mug rug too!

Karrie said...

Thanks for the chance to win. I am a follower of your blog ;)

Kathy said...

I am a new follower. Looks like a great book. I've been wanting to start reading quilt novels. The "Ties That Bind" looks like a good one. Thanks for the chance to win a copy