We're enjoying our creative lives today, Willow and I.
She has been seeking camouflaged privacy.....and daydreaming in the sunlight's refuge... and I am still massively creating....in my little hideaway of my sewing nook.
Massively, because major solar flares have been bombarding earth, for three days. On top of the full moon...which was totally gorgeous, here...it's been interesting astronomically! A large, perhaps even gigantic, solar storm racing towards Earth (and our magnetic field) is made up of a cloud of super charged particles. These particles which strike a number of times a year, could potentially disrupt utility grids, airline flights, satellite networks, and GPS services.
I am feeling the expansion, the creative explosion, and taking up scissors and nipping and ripping. I make a little nip, then grab the fabric in both hands and rip. That's my way of creating liberated piecing. It also releases pent up emotions, and supercharged energies!
And you don't have to look too closely to notice that my newly created table topper....it took me one single hour...start to finish....is just enough off kilter to make people wonder if I'm just a sloppy quilter... or did it on purpose. Yep.
My years of endless perfectionism and perfect piecing are long gone. Chronic lack of sleep, constant care giving of loved ones have pushed me over the final creative edge. Suddenly, the urge to create strikes... and I revel in it!
A table mat for the counter, a coffee mat ..not shown...for the coffeepot and the finishing of an art quilt...only one corner shown here. The first two are now replacing the more wintry ones on my kitchen countertop, the art quilt ..in its entirely and not just the corner ;) is finding its way to the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative Oh, how I had fun making all of these!
And the art quilt? I loved it so, so, much when it was finished! Lots of artsy effects and great fabrics...it was super hard to not want to keep it. To me, that is always the sign of a really good project...you want it desperately, yourself! Good thing I make myself let go of everything...after all, everything is transient in the end.
Wanting and holding only creates more wanting....and more holding onto. I much prefer to release my good out into the world with a prayer that all of it finds grateful recipients and good homes. And my last post and those two art quilts? They BOTH sold! How lovely is that? Another $145 for the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative and Alzheimer's research funding. Awesome!
Besides sewing, lots and lots of daily visiting with my MIL in her new 5 person care facility, here in Salem. I actually thought that moving my MIL into a care home near us would be easier for us, especially my hubby who drove 44 to 88 miles a day (1 or 2 round trips) for the past two months, to take turns staying with, and caring for her. But actually, as stressful as this change has been on, and for her, I'm spending as much as 3 hours a day with her, almost every single day, as it now is. And yes, that's me, and my choice...I know! But by now, you also know how I am ;) and she's 96 and while we did all we could for as long as we could..it's still very hard for her.
So, as hard as it is to take care of my own mother in Alaska, at home, by ourselves, with her advanced Alzheimer's, as my MIL says...'at least she doesn't realize how bad it is for her.' And you know what? That is completely true. Small blessing for a terrible hardship and challenge for all of us!
Whether they are astronomical, or human emotions...we just ride the tides and the currents and keep the explosions to as much of a minimum as we can. And we sew, and we craft, and we bake, and we garden. We have our family and our beloved pets..yes, even my chickens..and we make the best of each day, no matter what!

Michele Bilyeu blogs With Heart and Hands as she shares a quilting journey through her life in Salem, Oregon and Douglas, Alaska. Sharing thousands of links to Free Quilt and Quilt Block Patterns and encouraging others to join in the Liberated Quilting Challenge and make or donate small art quilts to the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative (AAQI) Help us change the world, one little quilt at a time!
Your MIL is so lucky to have you and to have you to talk to as well.
Great post....life is too short, just enjoy when you can and if your pieces aren't perfect-so be it! It's all about enjoying what you do, not producing for the ribbons. hugs...
I can barely even see your cat. That's amazing. Love how you sew and your attitude on life.
You've got it, Joanne!
And for those that don't know Joanne..check out her quilting on her blogs...great prices and she truly seems to do a fabulous job.
Thank you, Celia! I sure hope she thinks so..she's one of the quiet waters run deep kind of ladies! But if you watch her carefully sometimes you can tell she is grateful :)
Both of our cats blend into the furniture. You'd swear I bought them just for them. I love earthy colors and it appears it extends to my pets, as well ;)
I think the geomagnetic storm is doing weird things to my hair. I am experiencing more static than normal and my hair stands out from the top of my head. It's almost like I have my hands around one of those globes the science teachers use in demos. I have started using VO5 cream to keep it under control.
Oh law, Michele, this post covers so many things and brings so much to mind---LOL The solar flares are mainly affecting my disposition, I think---I'm right down onery right now. :0 Funny you would mention tearing rather than cutting of fabric...I have been trying to cut some strips to send to Finnie AND may all the Gods and Goddesses help me but I can't cut a straight piece of fabric to save my life. They ALL bow...crooked...just like my freakin' back...do you suppose my Scoliosis is the reason I can't cut straight strips???? ;) And yeah, your MIL is very very lucky to have you.
Oh, my gosh. Yep...that is what is happening! Hope things get a bit 'tamer' for you or you'll have to join my wonky, wild women club for sure! VO5 hey...good to know!
Yep...that would explain it for me! Everything is connected in my Universe :)
If the solar storms are having an effect on me, it isn't in the creative area this week. BUT I have a really clean house, my floors are mopped and waxed, the studio and several drawers are clean, cabinets are organized, and the refrigerator has had a once-over. I've been on a cleaning spree.
I hope the solar flares will continue to send you creative energy for all the nipping and ripping, quilting, and caring for those you love.
Now, that's a side effect a LOT of people could use! I will go in super spurts of that as well. It helps if company is coming or someone says something nice about your house that really makes you want to make it even nicer..at least for me!
Enjoy the creative energy. I have none at this point, but hope to get creative soon!
Michele, thank you for your post and for all your previous posts. I always look forward to reading everything you share with us whether quilty or not. Take care. Kathleen in CT
YipYip, Yahoo, Wheeeeeeeeee for AAQI! Let that creative muse keep flowing Michele! I finished a new little Alzheimer's: Priority Quilt myself today. You go girl!!
Thank you for making time for a visit! Yes, Alzheimers is a cruel disease.
We found that having my in laws only 2 kilometers away, instead of the other side of the country did help them have a better life, and our family loved having them close by.
(They moved the year Dad turned 90.....He was a brave and wonderful man)
On a happier note, I adore your spider quilt. I was saddened that it had already been sold
Congratulations on two more quilts sold. Do you take handwork when visiting with your MIL?
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