Dana Jones, managing editor of Quilter's Newsletter emails March 19, 2011:
"I emailed with Naomi Ichikawa today. She has asked that if you are sending quilts directly to Japan, that you do not send them until May 1 at the earliest. Please watch this blog for regular updates on this time frame as things are changing daily in Japan.
If you are sending quilts to Quilters Newsletter [in Colorado] and do not want to write “Quilts for Japan” on the box, please enclose a note that says this. We receive many quilts in our offices and will only send quilts to Japan that we know are intended for Japan.
Please send only new quilts.
I am amazed but not surprised at the compassionate response to this call for quilts. In just 24 hours, we at QN have heard from quilters in the United States, Canada, South Africa, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, and Italy. We are truly an international community!"
Dana Jones, QN managing editor
Mail U.S. quilts to:
Dana Jones
Quilters Newsletter
741 Corporate Circle, Suite A
Golden, CO 80401
• Mark your box: “Quilts for Japan.” if you are afraid of P.O. theft..just 'Japan' is fine.
• Send quilts as soon as possible and no later than April 30, 2011.
• Enclose your name, address, phone number, and email address with the quilts.
If you have questions, please email Dana Jones.
Remember what happened with quilts for Haiti? Even President George W. Bush discussed how money is often a more important donation than other items. Donate Money...any time!
American Red Cross:

Your gift to the American Red Cross will support our disaster relief efforts to help those affected by the earthquake in Japan and tsunami throughout the ...https://american.redcross.org/site/Donation2?5052.donation.
Note from Michele about sending quilts to disaster areas:
It's always wonderful when quilters want to help out and share from their hearts. But what often happens after disasters is that postal communications are so disrupted as are distribution points, roads, and other forms of transport that our quilts end up being stuck in a warehouse or even at the postal offices.
So please take note of this and check the Q.N. blog for updates on this before you even think about mailing quilts somewhere. And while some quilters are saying "even old quilts", please note that this request is for new ones, only. And that culturally, futon covers are extra thick, and extra warm and very different from our quilts.
I'm working on a quilt for Japan today. The top is almost finished. I hope the quilting world comes together and makes beautiful quilts for those hurting in Japan. Hugs
Thanks for mentioning our blog post! We really appreciate it.
Kelly M. Smith
Senior Editor
Quilters Newsletter
Thanks so much for this information. It's something I was wondering about. I should have known to check here..you're always up on the quilting news we should know!
This is exactly what I was wondering about when I heard different bloggers talking about sending quilts to Japan. Thanks for the update and the info and I will most certainly keep my eye on that Quilter's Newsletter link and their project on this!
Thanks for sharing the quilts for Japan information. I was thinking about sending a quilt directly to Japan but wasn't sure when to do it. Do you have any idea how I can contact Naomi by email?
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