As I was putting on the coffee early yesterday morning, I glanced down at my most recent coffee pot quilt.....otherwise known as a coffee pot mat.....and remembered a recipe I had saved for Dr. Oz's "Cellulite Coffee Scrub." One of his segments was on viewer’s Beauty Secret Home Remedies. His guest, Jodi, shared her 'Cellulite Coffee Scrub' recipe.
Dr Oz said that Jodi’s Cellulite Coffee Scrub actually should work....because the caffeine in the coffee grounds enhances fat metabolism, and when topically applied, the caffeine helps to absorb and remove liquid... all of which can help minimize the appearance of cellulite. And as such, it just might be the only natural home remedy for removing cellulite that he's aware of! Quote, unquote.
Well, now...that got my attention right away ;)
I'd just made a new coffee pot quilt for my own coffee pot (I like to keep her in quilts, too ) as it helps the coffee pot to slide back and forth when pouring water in one part, dumping out grounds from another part, and so. And I thought..well, wouldn't it be nice if this little recipe would just slide off a few "unwanted extras", as easily as my coffee pot slides back and forth on the counter?
So, I'm sharing:
All you need are coffee grounds, brown sugar and olive oil. Here is the complete Cellulite Home Remedy.
What You Need:
1/2 cup coffee grounds
1/4 cup brown sugar
olive oil
1. Apply olive oil to your areas with cellulite (back of your thighs and upper arms for example)
2. Combine the coffee grounds and brown sugar.
3. Use the coffee scrub on your cellulite areas by moving in circular motions.
4. Rinse off.
Now, I experimented. I mixed all of the ingredients together, instead of separately ...and I loved it that way, too...just a bit more abrasive for my lovely facial scrub!
Of course, the easiest way to do this Cellulite Home Remedy is to apply it in the shower ...Dr. Oz recommended twice a week.And it probably will work as a facial scrub, as well...brown sugar and olive oil make a great scrub...with, or without any coffee grounds!
Excuse me, I think I need to try this! And afterward,when it's all rinsed off, of course, I'll just stretch out on a nice soft quilt of my own, and let those fat dimples melt away ;)
shown above:
Leftover fabric from Quilt #7 and #8: Follow Your Heart 1 and 2 ,
Small Project #10:Follow Your Heart Potholder and Small Project #14: Mulled Wine Mug Mat winter projects made up into a coffee pot mat and three little coffee coasters...served with a steaming hot cup of coffee, some lovely music, and a nice soaking bath after the scrub.....ahhhh.....Starbucks, you've got nothing on me! I'm all home brewed and good to go!
:) Let us know how this turns out! Besides, pampering yourself is always a good feeling.
This looks so good. I bet the smell is wonderful.
Any type of brown sugar?
Very interesting! Let me know if it works. Hadn't heard of this very economical combination but its worth a try!
Love your coffee mat. That reminds me...I have fabrics to make one. Will put that on my "to do" list.
Thanks, Karen
Wow, very interesting. I doubt I'll try it, but interesting anyway. =)
Love coffee myself and love your little quilts! =)
*laughing hilariously* I just adore you!!! :D And I will try the potion too. :) I already have honey/white sugar scrub in the shower. :) BTW, I love your coffee pot 'sliders'---aren't quilters just the most creative people... Hugs, dear Michele!
Wish it would work. FYI Coffee ground are bad for your septic. They float, so the can mess up your leech feild. But I like the thought!:O)
OMGosh! If this works, I'm going to Sam's and buy coffee by the truckload! LOL. Hmm...as much as my husband loves coffee this could be dangerous! ;) Love your coffee mat!!
That's good news if it works, for I have cellulite.lol I save coffee gounds, put them in sachets, and hang them in the bathroom for better odor.
Soo, did it work?
I couldn't figure out where you were going with this...scrub for the pot, counter, rug? I was so totally confused. Then!! I got it!! But I wasn't sure you were serious....so now I'm curious..did you really do this? And more importantly how was it? Hope you are having a great weekend!!
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