Can you imagine going garage sale shopping one day and finding this much stash for sale at someone's house?
That's what happened to Nancy, a quilter on the Quilting Board . The Estate Sale was in Missouri and took place a couple of months ago. Apparently, the quilting wife had passed away, and the husband and/or family members of the estate held this enormous sale to dispose of fabric, quilts and other sewing supplies.
Why anyone would wait two or three months to post this much fun on a message board is beyond me. Maybe the entire group signed a pact to not talk about it until they'd all had a chance to go through it all..... and buy what they wanted, before they told the world ;)
But Nancy commented that each of those flats with the fabric had at least 25 yards each and that while the prices were a bit high for an auction, they were still less than a quilt shop. Each of the flats you can see on these tables sold for around $40-50.

Now, I am assuming it was a dual person garage sale. Because I know, if I died first..... and my husband found this much stuff stashed in the house.....he would have immediately died of shock.
I'm sure she was a lovely woman and she is dearly missed. And my condolences to the family. But. I am a bit jealous......that woman had fun in her life time, that's for sure!! And if you look closely, there are some quilts in the background...... so apparently, she did have time for quilting, as well as shopping.
My thanks to Clare and to Irene for sharing this on our Yahoo message board. And to quilters everywhere..... your futures with your husbands are now secured. If they ever dare to complain about any of your stash, bring up a photo or two from this garage sale.
Heck, I'll probably put the first photo I created ...the one with the added text....on my computer and use it as a desktop screen ;)
ROFL well I do believe she may have won the contest SHE WHO DIES WITH THE MOST FABRIC WINS!!! A cute, cute post, Michele. :D I'll have to show my husband so he can stop thinking I'm going to end up on the "Hoarders" show on TV RFL
Oh my, what a stash! I would have like to have there! I've found the nicest fabrics and linens at estate sales and thrift shops.
Puts a whole new perspective to that saying...the who dies with the most fabric wins! I bet this lady lived her life to quilt and sew! She must have been an awesome lady and I am sure she will be missed.
my sentiments Quilt Krazy. I have forwarded this post to all my loved ones so that they will understand why a stash is needed. It also shows this family really cared to take time to organize and package all her fabrics and to have it so neatly displayed.
Wow, impressive! It's great you pointed out all the quilts in the photos. Good to know she was more than just a shopper. I wonder how she stored it all in her house?
How could she bare/bear? to die and leave all that lovely material un sewn ..love Jan xx
Increible!!!!, yo me muero de la felicidad con todas estas cosas para hacer patchwork!!!! no sabría ni que escoger para compara.. Un besote
oh to be that lady, or even her friend...
LOL! Great post! I would certainly be overwhelmed had I been at that sale, and couldn't have made any choices if I'd even had the money to buy. Although it does remind me of my stash of oil paint and canvases :)
I guess I don't have so much after all! (I have a 5 ft. deep walk in closet with 4 18in. deep shelves on both sides, filled with fabric and still room to store quilts.
I knew a woman here in town who died a few years ago - her family held a quilter's estate sale, enlisted the help of a nearby quilt shop to price items. She never allowed her family upstairs so they had no idea how much she had (not just fabric but other supplies - and big yardage) till she died. I always wished I'd had more money at the time, but a friend was able to get some really good deals.
I have a rather large stash, but nothing compared to this! I hate to think what will become of it when I die. My husband has threatened to put it all out for the garbage man. Remember ladies, my trash pick up is Tuesday! Better get here early!!!
That is incredible!! And she died leaving it all for her family to get rid of. In a way, kinda sad don't you think? Hugs
I think if I showed that to my family, they would think that was my goal! And they would pester me everyday to make sure they don't have to have a sale like this.
It certtainly makes one think about what would happen to all that fabric after we've gone. Must start using it up!
Scary, very scary. I need to get sewing!
Oh my goodness that is an obession not a hobby! Wow I hope they were able to sell/give away most of that stash.
"if I died first..... and my husband found this much stuff stashed in the house.....he would have immediately died of shock"
hahahaha!! This really made me chuckle!! Mine too!! Thanks for sharing!
Unbelievable!!!!!And I think I have a stash with half a cupborad full.
I emailed my husband with the link. I wanted him to see just how little fabric I have compared to this.
My husband, bless him, has never complained about the amount of fabric I've accumulated (or beads or books or...) but I may save this picture just in case!
I live in Missouri...sure wish I had known about the auction!!
I guess the stash owner must had owned a craft store or something? Or she must had been a zesty quilter since she was a young girl.
I really needed a good laugh today. Thanks!
This is unbelievable, I can't believe that someone could even buy that much material in the first place. I hope it all went to good homes.
Happy days.
One word sums up my thoughts here... "Wow!" 8-)
Love your thought about If your husband saw what all you had roflmao!!! She lived a beautiful life surrounded by fabric, I could ask for nothing more. Thank you for sharing!
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