I love to sew as much as I do to quilt. And it's a natural fit that I should have a wonderful sense of accomplishment sewing donation projects, as well as all of the quilts that I donate to a variety of causes.
Shown here are the projects that I made and donated since I came back (from caring for my parents in Alaska) in the past three months. Six potholders for our guild's 'Potholder Project' to raise money for the Coffee Creek Correctional Facility's inmate quilting program, six pillowcases for foster care and abused children programs, 10 flannel diapers and 5 washcloths bound for a Guatemala infant care relief charity.
I called these small projects my 'wrist therapy' as I got back into rotating, suppinating, pronating, grasping and twisting my continually healing broken and dislocated wrist. I was told that if I chose to do my own physical therapy (Assurant Health paid for less than 20% of my surgery and medical care...and you thought we didn't need a revamping of health care!) I would need to do a lot of it and be consistent in the variety and amount. Once I got tired of a dozen exercises with many repetitions and squeezing rolled up socks and handfuls of raw rice in a big bowl...sewing seemed like an incredible amount of fun and a much better way to use my hands!
I also made SIX complete quilts (besides these projects show above) within my 3 months time. One AAQI donation quilt, a modified (some plain blocks) crazy quilt 64" x 64" for a high school graduation present, a baby sized comfort quilt (not yet shown), a 74" x 74" quilted throw, just finished and not yet shown) for a wedding gift bound for Alaska (along with me) next week, an Orphan Blocks Album quilt with a free-pieced liberated back, for our Libquilters Yahoo Message Board quiltathon and a baby quilt for Bumblee Bean's Basics Quilt Gather program.
And yes, I work in the yard and garden a bit every day. And no, I don't sleep. No wonder my wrist hurts, my eyes are blurry, and I don't have even a hint of a tan! But no one can say I didn't use my wrists!
What Type of Quilter Are You?
you are my kind - a kindred spirit. Who wants to sleep when there are so many projects at hand, waiting and nudging at you for your attention! You took a terrible situation (broken bones) and made something wonderful. Artist!
Good for you! Master of your own domain, so to speak. Plus the addition of all the donation projects comleted.
You always make me laugh, but even more you amaze me. Thank you for doing both!
I don't sleep either, so far it helps with productivity but don't you just know we're gonna crash one of these days? Hopefully we'll land on a quilt.
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