The APQ -1 Million Pillowcase Challenge been issued with a worldwide goal...to make one million pillowcases and donate them to various charities around the world....for any, and all, charitable causes.
Today, back in Salem, Oregon, quilters are meeting at Greenbaum's Quilted Forest and having a pillowcase sew-in for this world-wide cause.
The Challenge was initially showcased in 'Better Homes and Garden Magazine' and documented at the APQ website, but has spread around the Internet so many times, in so many versions, that I'm not sure where it truly first began, or how and when,it might finally end.
I am constantly making and giving pillowcases away through our Salem's Mid-Valley Quilt Guild in Salem, OR. Our guild has given hundreds of them to Mission trips in Africa, the local Foster Care group, and to groups which gather together supplies for mothers and children is crisis.
I can't wait to get up to speed so I can use my own Make a Magic 'Burrito' Pillowcase pattern and support this wonderful challenge just as I have,so often in the past.
Make pillowcases on your own,wherever you live, Donate them to a charity of your choosing and record them at the APQ website! And do check out fellow blogger Debi's Fifty Pillowcases Finished ........WOW!!!!! Is that awesome or what? And her goal is to make 1oo !!!
And as I tell everyone. If you make one, make a hundred more before you forget how!!!
This is a list of suggested charities to get you started if you don;t already have a favorite!
* Operation Support for Deployed Military
* Department of Human Services/foster care programs
* Child Welfare Services
* Nursing homes
* Oncology units
* Women’s shelters
* Youth shelters
* Runaway shelters
* Hospice centers
* YMCA’s
* YWCA’s
* Red Cross
* United Way
* Ronald McDonald House
* Veteran’s clinics/hospitals
* Missions
* Transitional Residences
* Victims of fires
* Victims of hurricanes
* Victims of floods
* Church World Service
* Lutheran Refugee Services
* Catholic Charities
* Pediatric Surgery Centers of local hospitals
That's amazing...I was approached just yesterday about this challenge, while shopping in a fabric store! It's a great idea.
My sixteen pillowcases are going to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis (along with all others donated through Delta Patchwork).
I'm making some today! Thanks for the info!! Take care of your broken arm!
I'd read about this and added it to my list of good-cause efforts, but actually forgot. So I will indeed get busy on the pillowcase sewing. Thanks for reminding me and thanks for all the donation ideas.
I'm just going to be brave right here and admit I haven't done this - YET. Nothing to brag about here...
Thank you for sharing this my healing friend.
I teach a quilting class at our local senior center. each year we like to make a project to distribute to local charities or organizations. We would love to make pillowcases to distribute to one of the organizations listed above. How do we contact them?
Hi Adell,
The easist way to donate is to do it locally in your town. Does your senior center keep a list of nursing or adult foster homes? Here in Salem, Oregon, making pillowcases in one of our own ongoing charities. We made them along with small comfort quilts and a volunteer simply drives to addresses we contact from our phone book. So for example...Adult and Family Services..ask if they have any group such as ones that support Foster Children or families in need, crisis centers etc. that can use new, attractive pillowcases. We give one to each child in the foster care system this way. I personally bring mine around to nursing homes. While they supply their own bedding, a seasonal pillowcase is a wonderful gift ..and Mother's Day is coming up, soon!
They can be made for any group, anywhere you live. The Million Pillowcase Challenge was meant to simply get others to make and donate pillowcases, on their own, and then add the number they made to the grand total tally online. I believe that was just for last year so the tally board might not be up any longer online.
But the making and giving of these pillowcases is so much fun and so appreciated by those that receive them that the challenge for each of us personally, or as a group never ends. Any care center, any social service institution that accepts volunteer donations..Ronald McDonald Houses by local hospitals, any hospice service, any local homeless shelter, outreach shelter etc. etc.
Bless you all for your making as well as your giving spirits and hearts and good luck.
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