on a a recent cnn report, former president george bush said
"please don't send food,don't send water or blankets (quilts...to haiti)"
referring to the enormous congestion at port au prince's damaged airport and docking facilities
where addional goods can actually interfere with red cross, united nations, or other major relief efforts.
pesident bush goes on to say
"send money."
but for those of us with quilts, blankets, homemade toys, clothing, jewelry, and other crafted goods that we want to give from our own caring hearts and hands....
we can now donate,sell, or buy these crafted items
and all proceeds go to haitian relief efforts directly to doctors without borders.
craft hope » craft hope for haiti blog
check out this website and donate OR buy a little something,today.
craft hope haiti
Martin Luther King Day of Service
and to donate cash:text “HAITI” to 90999 to donate $10 to American Red Cross
a little liberated teddy quilt, made from the tiniest of leftover scraps from Howdy, Pardner! and Heart Felt Wishes for Comfort and Care
Thank you for helping. Doctors without Borders is also a great cause, with very high ethics.
Doctors without Borders is an excellent charity and what a way to raise funds for Haiti without causing a log jam at Port au Prince airport / port.
Hope you are recovering from the op. Only you could cause such happenings at a hospital LOL!
Excellent advice, Michele. My husband and I have contributed money as you (and our former president) recommended.
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