Aug 14, 2009

Reflections...Inside and Out

Each and every time I have a chance to simply sit down, and look around at the full, but still very hard working lives that we have created for ourselves, I see little snapshot areas of that life reflected in the things I save, things I collect, and the littlest of things that I create.

Some days, having time to sit down is harder that others. Some days, having time for doing the things I love to do, is even more of a challenge. Sometimes, the people I am with, the things I need to do for them, or just the way that life keeps tossing out curve balls, is just the way things are.

The secret for me, is to always wake up in the morning with one thing that makes me want to start my day. No matter how tired I am, or when the challenges of family and friends and the care taking required by them seems overwhelming, I know in my heart that there has to be hope, something that always makes me happy, and look forward to in that day.

At least 12 times a year, someone I love has to be rushed to an emergency room. And each time, many days are spent in hospital rooms, at bed sides, cleaning or doing things in their houses, or simply holding the hand of someone I care for.

Sometimes, it's one of my parents in Alaska, sometimes it's my 93 year old mother-in-law, here in Oregon, and sometimes its a friend in need that I reach out to with an email or a phone call or a visit. It's what I've chosen to do with my life. I help other people. I care for them, I do for them, I'm just energetically there for them, or I make things for them ;) My life's work is to create.... artistically, energetically, and emotionally.... for myself, for my family, and for others.

I help pull out the negative, I work to activate the positive, and I try to find ways that I can share the energies of those creations, with those that need them or are willing to accept them. It's not always easy being happy. It's often aggravatingly hard. But it's a life choice, a direction, a goal and a journey.

Each day, I try to find one idea, one book, one project, one goal.... that excites me and makes me want to do something besides cooking and cleaning, laundry and yard work, and the almost 6 months a year that I spend simply helping others who need my help.

So, today...after almost a week spent helping my 93 year old mother-in-law who took another bad fall...had to have the paramedics called for her, and ending up hospitalized for a couple of days...I think of the good things in life...and not just the tiring and hard things.

My MIL is doing fine, no bones were broken or even fractured, she's finally switched to the side of the bed that's closest to the door so her walker can be used all the way into bed, and she's finally agreed to wear a Lifeline alert necklace after adamantly refusing up 'til now!

It's a bit of a drive to her house, and we've gone and helped out almost every day) but my car's air conditioning miraculously healed itself after 2 1/2 years of being broken and the drive gives me time to sit down, to think, and to prepare mentally for her care. So, it's not as bad, at all, as it might have been! So, gratitude's abound!

I'm looking, here, at one of my many bulletin boards, I'm feeling gratitude for fun and for beauty, feeling the love that always lies within any reach, and sending the energy of that love outward to her and to all of you, and reminding you to feel the hugs, sense the inner smile, and remember that love and a hug are always free.

This pink bulletin board was painted by one of my daughters... a dozen or more years ago. Buy a $5 one from Walmart and just paint it! I constantly fill it with little things that I collect, that catch my eye or simply things I love. It is one of 3 such bulletin boards that I keep in the crafty areas in my house. This one is above a small art supplies table.
And how I got a reflection on the photo of me that looks like its coming out of/into me is the amazing part of this post, It's one of those things that just happens ;)


Wendyb said...

There needs to be more people in the world who think like you,'s too short to spend griping...we need to be thankful and look for the good in every opportunity. I continue to be uplifted and inspired! thank you from oz!!!

MARCIE said...

Michele, anyone who shares and uplifts like you do has a lot of light coming in to feed the light that you send out. That picture is a perfect reflection of that principle. Shine on my friend!

Karen said...

Michele ~ I love your great attitude! More people in this world should strive for that!

Glad your MIL wasn't seriously injured!

Like you, I try focusing on the positive, more than the negative. Some days are harder than others, but it does make a huge difference in my life!

Hugs, Karen

Quiltdivajulie said...

Hugs to you for who you are!

MIL here goes for an MRI on Monday - she's highly claustrophobic so they've promised meds for the anxiety. We're all thinking positive thoughts that she'll manage to do this . . . I SO understand where you are.

When I can't think of anything else on certain days, Annie and her "sun will come up" song always finds its way into my head . . .

quiltmom anna said...

Another inspiring thoughtful post-Michele I celebrate your positive attitude that feeds us all with your upbeat energy- Remember to save some for yourself- Helping others does feed ones soul especially when being a care giver is your nature. I am guessing that time spent creating things helps to replenish your personal energy.
I am sorry to hear about your dear MIL- So glad to know that there were no bones broken and thankful that the air conditioning in your car decided to heal itself VBG
Like yourself I would rather look on the positive side of life than spend my time saying Woe is me- We all deal with challenges in our own lives and being hopeful helps me get through the trying days.
Be well- hope you can continue to find some time to stop and smell the roses.
Warmest regards,

Alice said...

You are an inspiration to us all. We do sometimes forget to smile and appreciate the day. Thanks for the reminder

Domestic Designer said...

What a great post and one I definitely needed to hear this morning. Thanks!

Shelina said...

I'm glad your MIL is okay. You certainly are a saint, helping so many people. Your bulletin board looks great. I bought some cork tiles so I can make a huge one to cover my dining room wall. I am hoping to fill it up with lots of fun quilting goodies.

*karendianne. said...

Just to reach out and connect with you electrifies. I don't need to be at your side, in the physical sense, to share this infusion of energetic medicine. I only need to sit here, close my eyes, and take a deep breath. As I let that breath out I know... and I know you do, too

Dena said...

It's a blessing your MIL was not more seriously injured and I know she is blessed to have you to assist her.

Thank you so much for your inspirational message today. Sometimes we need a gentle reminder to slowdown and count our blessings.

Junie Moon said...

Bless your heart for all you do and I quite admire your plucky determination to find the good in life. It's exactly what I'm trying to do in my own life. Even on those days I think terribly challenging, a butterfly will flutter by, I'll hear a child laugh, a sweet fragrance of honeysuckle will float by my nose, or even a funny cloud shape will form in the sky -- it doesn't matter what the little treat is or how it presents itself, it's a reminder of the joy to be found in living.

Mary Johnson said...

I've also been fortunate to be able to care for family members -- it's hard but so many people don't realize what a gift it is to take care of someone they love.

It's even more important to feed that artistic need in yourself when you give so much to others.