Jul 24, 2009

Free Give-Away: Freddy & Gwen Collaborate Again


"It takes courage to create. It’s an act of bravery to look deep inside and express yourself through the work of your hands. 

Our books nurture creative courage and empower women to communicate their stories and visions through their art." So begins the introduction to Red Lips 4 Courage Communications, the production company for 

"Freddy and Gwen Collaborate Again: Freewheeling Twists on Traditional Quilt Designs." 

 And as each of us puts on our red lipstick for courage, our imaginary red eyeglasses ;) or just pulls out all of our red fabrics to play.....Freddy Moran and Gwen Marston have pulled forth their own unique abilities in the development of 70 new and innovative quilt designs. 

With an amazing 20 quilt designs from Gwen, and another 20 from Freddy, and then 30 more that they made together....what more could we ask for? 

How about the chance to win a free copy of their newest book just by commenting on this post :) (Drawing now closed 7-31-09 , 7:00 AM) 

When Eileen Cannon Paulin, President and resident 'Creative Custodian' for Red Lips 4 Courage, their books' publishing services and production company, offered me a copy of the book to give-away on my blog, I leaped at the chance. 

It's that much fun and so worth sharing and passing on! So, I'm putting on my own red lips and paying homage to the wonderful women...and a few equally as wonderful men...who read here and might like the chance to own this book for themselves (or pass on to a friend as a fabulous gift!) 

Filled with free wheeling patterns and carrying energies which evolve from the principles of traditional patterns, to the creative flow of color and form unique to African-American quilters like The Gee's Bend Quilters, to that amazing spontaneity of modern or interpretive art (the book includes patterns for shapes, pieces and blocks, as well as suggestions for combining your own pieces from a 'spare parts' department) and creating your own unique extensions in color, design or form. 

 If you'd like a chance to have this book sent you...completely for free...please leave a comment below. And then link back to this post on your own blog if you have one! And if you already own this book, you can still be in the running and win it as a gift for another quilter...or anyone who sews that you might want to cheer up, encourage, or inspire!

 Please be sure to leave a comment and please help me spread the word by sharing this link in a post note on your own blog

And if you're a 'no reply blogger' or don't have a blog, please send me an additional email request to insure that your name is added into the drawing. This is our opportunity to show the power and influence of blogs and bloggers in the world of information and marketing potential...not only to those who read here, but to Freddy and Gwen, themselves! 

 So, if you already own the book, please do comment so they'll know how much and why you love it! (They're going to be reading this!) And if you don't have it yet, comment and let me know that you'd love a chance to own it. Everyone is entered just by commenting! 

  (Drawing now closed 7-31-09 , 7:00 AM) 

 PS: To make a link post this on your blog in a post...use the make a link button below the post or copy and paste this on your blog in a regular post box. 


Anonymous said...

WOW, PLEASE add my name to the hat. I just love these two quilters. Ive been checking this book out of the library, but evidently someone else wants it too because I can never renew it!! I would love to own this colorful work of art!
Krousegirl2 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I can still remember Bonnie sitting in my studio saying how wonderful Gwen's work is...so liberating and free as she was showing me that I didn't need a pattern and to just express myself and put pieces together freely...a yes, the crumb pattern with fabrics I dare not ever think would go together. Liberating...yes!

Laurel said...

I want it, I want it! Please, oh please, let me win!

Junie Moon said...

I love the celebration of creativity evoked by the Red Lips of Courage concept. It does take courage to put your ideas and creations out into the world. It's like birthing yourself in a way and presenting yourself as a gift to the world.

Thank you for sharing this as well as your generous give-away offer. Please do not worry about adding my name to the drawing as I'm having to get rid of books as it is due to my allergy problems.

Scrappy quilter said...

What a great giveaway. And how sweet that they want you to do this.

Victoria M. said...

Thank you for this great giveaway. I'd loved to be entered in the drawing and I've shared your link on my blog.

SandyQuilts said...

I love it when 'greats' get together to create. Please throw me into the pot.

dee said...

Oh how I have wanted this book! The first one was fabulous and, for someone like me who started out very traditionally, it's a way to be set free of the old notions of quilting.
Sign me up. I've spent the summer in a creative log jam.
I'll post the link on my blog

tomi72007 said...

Wow! Just looking at the cover of this book inspires me. I love the bright colors. I'd love to win this book! Thanks for sharing.

MARCIE said...

Throw my name in the hat, will you? I think I need a jolt of whatever motivates them!

free indeed said...

Certainly this is another winning combination for authors and books! I am always looking for ways to think outside the box, and I'm sure this book with inspire me. Enter me please!

Tonya Ricucci said...

wheee, I love this book, so happy to see it getting attention. Don't put me in the draw, I'll just send folks over your way.

Annie said...

Ah, that's my kind of quilting!
Would love to win this book.

Nice blog.

: )

cockermom said...

Wow! Please enter me in your great giveaway, I would love this!

Jennifer said...

I would love to have a copy of this book! I read their first collaboration book from the library, and liked it so much that I bought my own copy just the other day (yay for 40% off coupons from JoAnn's LOL!) I blogged about the giveaway here:

Mary P said...

What a fabulous giveaway. Gwen and Freddy are so inspiring!!!
I'd love a chance to win!

Susan said...

I am just starting to become more adventurous in my own quilting, and would love to win this book. Please count me in for your giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I so want this book, I spent hours in the library this week reading Gwen' book "Liberated Quilts", I love her work.

Carol said...

I've had the pleasure of meeting both Freddie and Gwen while working as part of the program committee for my local quilt guild. I absolutely adore them both and I can't even begin to imagine what fun it would be to see the two of them TOGETHER!!!

I so hope that I win!

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

They sure do know how to work the thread and fabrics don't they! Add me! I was about to buy it until I saw it on your blog!

kathi said...

Oh, please enter me--I love everything those two do!

Rosalyn Manesse said...

I already have this book and have even used it for a reference when sewing. It's a great book, for sure

Tivoli West said...

I have really enjoy their other books. I would love to add this one to my library.

Kristin L said...

I don't own any Marston or Moran books so this would be a great addition to my library. Both ladies work is classic and I always come away inspired when I browse their books at teh library or a friend's house.

Stina Blomgren said...

Have heard so much talk about these designers.. so it would be absolutely wonderful to get to know some of their work.. so please add me to the giveaway!!!! :o))
I will add the giveaway to my sidebar... and hope a lot of people read it!!! :o)

Kay said...

I'd love to have it! And thank you for the wonderful posts of the Sisters show.

Domestic Designer said...

I would love to have this book. Please put my name in the hat!

Janet said...

What a great book - I'd love to be in your draw!

floribunda said...

I'd love to have a chance at the book! Thanks for the photos, too...

Donna said...

how utterly generous of the publisher! I'd love to win a copy of the book to share with my local friends :-)

Kim West said...

Please add my name to the hat as well... Thanks!

Marj said...

I listed your web site on my Eclectic Quilter blog site, but had no idea how to create a "link".
Anyway I would love to win a copy of Gwen's book, thanks Marj

Darlene said...

I'd love to enter your drawing for this book - thank you! I seldom win any drawings but I'm going to keep my fingers crossed.

Marlene said...

What a great giveaway. Please enter me in the draw and I will have my red fabrics ready.

Ursula said...

What a wonderful prize! Please enter my name too. I have Collaborative Quilting and LOVE it to bits. Thank you.

Paula, the quilter said...

How coincidental that we both post giveaways on the same day! You rock, girl!

Betty's Blocks said...

I live in Colorado where Freddie happens to be speaking this weekend. I just came form hearing her and seeing all her wonderful quilts. She is quite a woman!
Please enter me in your drawing. Betty

Renee G said...

I would love to have this book of quilting inspiration. Please enter me.

Bee Quilter said...

Enter me, enter me! I was looking at this online and wishing I had it! Thank you so much for being involved in a give-away like this! This is so wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to win this book! I don't have a blog but I want to be entered. I'll send you my email address to be official!

Lotryys said...

I'd love to win this book!

Becky said...

I would absolutely love to win this book. It's on my list of quilting books to read, savor, and inspire. Thanks so very much for the opportunity to win!

Kathleen C said...

Years ago I purchased Liberated Quiltmaking, and I was hooked. Then I got "sidetracked" with traditional hand applique, but would often reread Gwen Marston's wonderful book. Did I have the nerve to try such free style techniques? Well, finally I did, and I love every bit of it.
I've gotten some of Gwen's books from ILL through my library, but would love to own this collaborative book. I can't buy it, but I can continue stretching my creativity and this book would be the best thing.
Thanks for this giveaway,
Kathleen C.

Lesley (aka Upper West Side Writer) said...

I would love to win this book--it looks wonderful. Thank you!


Quilt Junquee said...

Wow! I would love to win this book. Put my name in the hat!

Dede said...

I loved their first book and made a beautiful quilt because of it. Thanks for the chance to enter the drawing! Quilt On!

Anonymous said...

This is such a wonderful opportunity. I had the chance to purchase their first book, and have been really wanting the second one. Thank you so much for doing this. Hope I win!

Frog Quilter said...

I would LOVE to receive a copy of the book. Keep up the pretty work.

Statch said...

Please enter me -- I'd love to win this beautiful book!

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I loved the first book so I'm sure this one is a winner too.

fancystitching said...

I'm drooling over this book! Please enter me in your drawing.

Joyce said...

Please add my name to the drawing. Love your blog, so glad I found it! Thanks for the chance to win

Joyce said...

Please add my name to the drawing. Love your blog, so glad I found it! Thanks for the chance to win

Brenda said...

Gwen and Freddy are inspiring and their quilts are fun and cheerful. I'd love to win their book!

merumo said...

What a great giveaway! Would you enter my name in? Thanks!!

Sue said...

Hi I would love to win this book. Here in Oz the price of good quality quilting books is amazing even for Australian writers, so to get such a wonderful opportunity to win one is lovely. Thanks

Clare said...

Oh goodness gracious me. I'd kill to own this book, but knowing my luck with give-a-ways I'll just have to keep oggling the cover.

However, there is always hope!


Marty Mason said...

I know I am their biggest fan - definitely put my name in the pot and I'll keep my fingers crossed.

jenclair said...

Me, too! Love Gwen and Freddie!

Amanda said...

I'd so love to win this book.

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in your great giveaway, I would love this!


Quilter said...

These look like great fun! Please enter me for a chance to win.
my blog is http://imaquilter2.blogspot.com

thanks for offering us all a chance at this.
happy quilting!


Shelina said...

Please enter me in the drawing.

Cher said...

#64 comment here ! You well know I have been spreading the word on Gwen and Freddy for a while now...love all my books by them and can't wait to go take a class in March with Gwen. I will put a link on my blog this weekend..helping them out is my pleasure- and how terrific you had this chance to do this as well !!!

your generous heart knows no bounds my friend

Beth said...

I definitely want in . . . would love to read this book!

dot said...

You are very generous and what a great prize. I love how you write and I love reading your blog. Have a great day.

Quiltdivajulie said...

I pre-ordered this book so that it would arrive as soon as possible! I don't need to be entered in the drawing but want to share that Freddy and Gwen inspired the liberated scrappy basket quilt that is currently on my design wall. Their example has encouraged me to create in so many ways ~ and I return to their books again and again when I'm feeling empty or bland. Their words and colors always help me get back on the path!

Amanda Jane said...

I would love to be in the draw for this book. The work of these two ladies is so fun and awe-inspiring.
Please add my name to the list! I will email my details as I do not have a blog yet.

sophie said...

I would love a chance to win this book. I have just landed a job after 8 months of unemployment, so I haven't been buying many quilt books and I am a big fan of Freddy and Gwen.

iHanna said...

What a nice cover, that looks like a very interesting and cool book! I hope I have a chance at winning it!

Unknown said...

I would love to have the book, love, love, love, love, Love it!

Fabric Fanatic said...

Me, me, me....pretty please! I love this collaborative team and have their first book. I'd love this one.

Mands said...

am I too late? My first ever quilt was a "freddie's house" quilt!

Marie said...

Would love to own a copy of this fantastic book. Hugs, Marie

Nancy said...

I'd love a chance to win Gwen & Freddie's book. Their liberated piecing is exactly that--liberating!

Blogless me said...

Oh, I would love to win the book! Pleeease ...

Eileen said...

Please add my name to the drawing. Thanks

doni said...

Count me in! I loved all your stories about Gwen and her hubby!

PS I wore the turtle socks - oh so comfy! You really missed out!

doni @ Oregon coast

Sandi said...

Freddy Moran is such a lovely person, I've had the chance to meet her in Houston when her first book with Gwen Marsten was released.

She was very gracious with spending time discussing the book with me and then signing my copy.

I would love to take a class with both of them one day soon.

quiltmom anna said...

I do own both of their books but I am sure I know of another quilter or two that I would share it with if I am your lucky winner.
I am a huge fan of Freddy Moran and Gwen- the colors are so rich and they have such energy and love of quilting that it comes through in both of their books.
What a wonderful thing to do- my computer comes back tomorrow so I will post a link when I write my blog.

Be well,

Mystica said...

Please count me in. Would love to own this book



Wendyb said...

Would love to be entered in too....like everyone else, I've been admiring these quilters' works for a while now and would loooove to have the chance to own a little piece of their talent!!!
Fingers crossed!! ;o)

Joanne Lendaro said...

Would love to add this book to my collection!! Please enter me in the drawing!! Thanks! joanne

joannelendaro @ yahoo.com

Alycia said...

I would love a chance to win!

Valerie said...

I would love to be entered in the drawing for this book. I have the first book they did together, its one of my favorites. Thanks for the giveaway.

Bridget said...

Thanks for having this drawing! Took a class from the two at Asilomar and it was the most rewarding ever!

Kryx said...

Thank you for this giveaway. I live in Hungary and I'd loved to be entered in the drawing.
I've shared your link on my blog, http://kryxszem.blogspot.com

Greetings from Hungary,


Nancy in Norway said...

I sure would love to win this book. I will keep my fingers crossed :-)

Andi said...

Thanks for offering this book. I'd love to win!

Anonymous said...

I don't enter giveaways often--only the ones that I'd really like to win. I posted a entry on my blog about the giveaway too.


Lisa said...

Oh I would love this book! I love their first colloboration!!!!

Jocelyn said...

What a great book. What a great giveaway! I'd love to be added to the draw :-)

Anonymous said...

I would so love to own this book! I don't have a blog, but I'll send you an email address just in case! I've watched Gwen and Freddy's classes, quilts and books on other sites and I just think they are both amazing!

Anonymous said...

A Freddy & Gwen collaboration (twice!) If not for bloggers, I would have missed out big time. One day I might even have one too.

Gwen's style is so accepting to even green horns...As for Freddy, just thinking of her various ck'n quilts gets me to grinning every time. My non-sewing kids tech-savvy views are impressed by Freddy (my hero for ck'ns and proving that blk/wh checks are oh so quilt material. Much Thnks

Betsy said...

I have the first book and would just love to own the 2nd one. Thank you for having a giveaway.

arlette said...

Hello there, I'd like to have the chance to win the book "Freddy and Gwen Collaborate Again: Freewheeling Twists on Traditional Quilt Designs.", please count me in, I already blogged about your giveaway, thank you for the oportunity!

Linda in NC said...

Do please enter me! I love both these ladies' work and spirit of creativity. Thanks for the giveaway.

Daniella said...

Please enter me in this amazing giveaway. Love your blog

CrochetnQuilt said...

This book is so cute! Someone will be very lucky to add it to their collection. Thanks for the giveaway1

Pitterpatter said...

Well, if this drawing is still open, then count me in! I love the ideas in this book!

Thanks for the opportunity to perhaps own it!

vernie said...

I just love the modernistic approach to patchwork in liberated quilting - stitch n go.NO quilt police to tie you down.I would love to win the Free Give away from Freddy and Gwen - Receive with my hands and save it also in my heart

Michele Bilyeu said...

Drawing now closed 7-31-09 , 7:00 AM

Congratulations to Laurel and my thanks for commenting to all of the rest of you! Great fun!!

Anonymous said...

It was extremely interesting for me to read that blog. Thanks for it. I like such themes and everything connected to this matter. I definitely want to read a bit more soon.

Rini said...

Oh, it's beauty.. i like it.