We had the opportunity to tour Salem's deluxe 'Tour of Home's' new product house last week. Even though I am a builder's wife, and I help customers with colors and materials choices...was I interested in the use of new building materials, carpet, granite, marble or tile? Nope.
Where did I head? Right to the beds and bedding. And this little 3 D cupcake quilt in the small girl's room sure hit my 'sweet tooth!' The total decor included a tea party table, co-ordinating bathroom accessories and prints. But it was the cupcake quilt that was so creatively original and it definitely caught my eye and I couldn't keep my hands off of it...and neither could anyone else.
Three men and two women gathered around it, oohing and aahing and we didn't even know one another...or at least I thought we didn't. The other gal pulled out one of the 'cupcakes' so we knew they were removeable and therefore exchangeable. It reminded me of a giant tic tac toe game.
If I was a child, I'd be moving those delicacies around and constantly rearranging the colors and textures. The cupcakes were fleece, totally removable and decorated with ribbons, pompoms and pretties. I could hardly keep my hands off of them, and the viewers heads ...and hands...out of my photos ;)
Later, I found out that I knew the gal and even one of the guys, but at the time, we barely glanced at each other. There's something about cupcakes....real or not.
For those of you with little girls, maybe this will give you some cute ideas. And hey, if you have a little boy, why not a dimensional quilt with 3D boy toys while you're designing? My head is floating with all kinds of clever ideas...but then again, I'm on a sugar high!
I had to remove my other links on this site. Once they are removed from websites, they can no longer connect here.
Here are some fun substitutes until I find more quilt ideas for free:
Cupcake pincushion by Crativity Amongst Chaos
Make a felt cupcake pincushion
Cupcake Pincushion box tutorial
Looks like cupcakes seem to be the trend lately. cute!
I think this is totally adorable! I am so glad you shared this. Even though I don't have a little girl, it gave me some good ideas. I love your blog, you have so much more substance in it than most I visit. Even when I stop by and you haven't added a new post yet, I can still click on other links or dates and find lots and lots to read and learn from. Thank you so much! Maybe someday you will even inspire me to get my own blog!
your quilt is totally adoreable! I am expecting a new grand-daughter to arrive in May so I am planning my daughters baby shower and doing a girly cupcake theme.
Boo Hoo............your links are dead.........boo hoo
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