Latest update: Dr. Randy Pausch Video Obituary
Update: July 25, 2008: Randy Pausch Has Died
July 29, 2008: The Last Lecture: A Celebration of Life (ABC Tuesday Night) July 31, 2008 The Gift of an Enduring Legacy
August 17, 2008 Carnegie Mellon University plans Randy Pausch Memorial Walk
The following April 10, 2008 post was published as follows in its original format shown here. For the update on his death, click the link, above.
............................April 10, 2008.....................
Read the entire, original transcript of Professor Randy Pausch, of Carnegie Mellon University and his unforgettable speech "The Last Lecture" delivered on Sept. 18, 2007 here:
Read or Print off the PDF download of "The Last Lecture"
See my Orblogs post (from Salem, OR) on Randy Pausch, links to information on his current condition, links to his home page, his daily journal entries entries and photos from his blog as well as links to the video of his speech on YouTube at my last blog post:
Randy Pausch: The Last Lecture
Still Hoping and Praying for a Miracle:
As Pausch's Virginia-based oncologist, Michael Lee, attests to "the unfortunate fact that he (Randy) does indeed have metastatic, incurable pancreatic cancer - the biopsy of his liver last summer proved it. Randy concedes that his "shelf life" is limited. But, he says, "I don't want anyone to pity me or treat me like I'm already dead. I've still got gas in the tank."He's not opposed to miracles, either."I'd love to be the one-in-5-million fluke."
So please, take a moment to send your prayers and healing thoughts: to Randy, age 47, his wife Jai, age 41, and their three beautiful children...Dylan, 6, Logan, 3, and Chloe, 22 months.
-Never underestimate the importance of having fun. I'm dying and I'm having fun. And I'm going to keep having fun every day because there's no other way to play it.
-Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted.
-No one is pure evil. Find the best in everybody. Wait long enough and people will surprise and impress you.
-Brick walls are there for a reason. They are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. The brick walls are there to stop people who don't want it badly enough.
-It is not about achieving your dreams but living your life. If you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you.
-We can't change the cards we're dealt, just how we play the hand. If I'm not as depressed as you think I should be, I'm sorry to disappoint you.
"Randy Pausch is 47, married to a beautiful woman that he loves dearly, the father of three beautiful children, and is a gifted and beloved computer-science professor at Carnegie Mellon University. And Randy Pausch is also dying......"Randy Pausch: The Last Lecture
Randy Pausch's Home Page
The story of Randy's diagnosis of pancreatic cancer
Update on Randy Pausch: in his own words
Randy's famous "Last Lecture."
The Last Lecture:Randy's Book, just released!
Randy Pausch's Last Lecture - UPDATE ETC Global News
Journeys Lecture: Really Achieving Your Childhood DreamsYouTube - The last lecture of Randy Pausch 1
ABC News: Dying Professor's Lecture of a Lifetime
RandyPauschInformation"The Last Lecture:Randy's Book, just released!
I just know of his passing away. I was looking for the transcript of his last lecture, and here I landed. Thank you for sharing about this amazing man's life.
*i have seen the video its sad cuz i talks about his life and why he called it "th last lecture" when he says that he mad it for his 3 special people so that could remeber him... it was sad but i been looking for a book so that i could bye but cant find one yet!! but i wish to read his book*
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