For those of you who wonder if our charitable actions are recognized, if our blogs make a difference, if thoughts and prayers help others in this world...
Please read this comment below which was left after my post on Blue Star and Gold Star Service Banners:
"I was sent a gold star banner when my husband SFC Scott R Smith, US Army EOD was killed in action on July 17th, 2006.
It made me smile to get this banner as I had wondered why I was able to buy a blue star flag in the PX but not a gold star. It was an honor to know that someone out there who I will more than likely never know thought enough of my husband's service and our sacrifice to send me something so simple as a banner.
It makes me wonder now if this banner came from Rob Raubeson. I commend his efforts on bringing so many families a little piece of mind..... thank you from the wife of a hero...
Gari-Lynn SmithWife of a Hero
SFC Scott R Smith
KIA 07-17-2006
What an amazing man....I love you always"
Because this blog comment touched me so deeply, I did an online search for SFC Scott R. Smith and I found:
DoD Identifies Army Casualty:
The Department of Defense announced today the death of a soldier who was supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Sgt. 1st Class Scott R. Smith, 34, of Punxsutawney, Pa., died on July 17 in Al Iskandariyah, Iraq, of injuries sustained when an improvised explosive device detonated during a controlled ordnance clearing mission. Smith was assigned to the 737th Explosive Ordnance Detachment, 52nd Ordnance Group, Fort Belvoir, Va.
If that doesn't touch our hearts, truly make us think about our world, our wars, the people who serve our country with the best intentions and deepest of faiths, and that our own lives...all of our lives...make a difference...how we treat one another with respect and honor, how we remember one another, while both alive and after we have passed...
Well, this comment did it for me this morning! And trust me, I've gotten a LOT of heartfelt and touching e-mails and comments on my blog.
If you haven't read it yet, please read my post on (ABC news first list Rob, then Rod) Rob Raubeson, a hero in his own right,
Lest We Forget
Please send your thoughts and prayers to all of our Fallen Heroes, to all who those who are still in battle, and to all of their families, everywhere! And please let us not forget...this includes those from other nations, as well.
If you would like to make either a Blue Star Banner (for a family with an active member currently serving in the military) or a Gold Star Banner (for someone you know who has lost a family member in military conflict) please see my post on Making a Blue or Gold Star Banner
shown above:
Gold Star Service Banners 8" x 16" which are also available from the American Legion
Gold Star Banners indicate a family member who was killed while serving in the Armed Forces and can only be displayed by family members of a Fallen Hero during a time of military action.
Michele, you are a sweetheart! You are always looking for a way to serve others. God bless you!
I never thought the people who provide such great support and who truly never forget our soldiers who didn't make it home would read my post about the flags. It touched me to see this posting letting others know they touch us "widows" it truly is the love and support that helps us make it through. We know our husbands would want us to move forward, live this life to the fullest and keep their memories alive...I have a feeling just as the song says, he'll be sittin on a bench waitin on me to meet him....Thank you all again for your support!
Lynn Smith
Wife of a Hero
SFC Scott R Smith
KIA 07-17-2006
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