I have had an extremely challenging time reading others' blog these past few months. We have all become so graphic laden and so filled with links and hyperlinks and now videos and my poor little dial-up modem just can't pull that heavy of a load.
I live in Salem, Oregon but I also live 'in the country'. That doesn't mean a fine 'country' house...it just means outside of the city limits, right next to the urban growth boundary...where utilities and high speed phone services are not accessible.
I still read hundreds and hundreds of your blogs a week. I may not comment...sometimes I can't even get your comment windows to open. I even have trouble loading my own blog...too many pictures...so many days I can't even load my own web page!
So, I go to ORblogs...Oregon weblogs, where I am a member of a group of Oregon bloggers. By going there first, I let them connect me to me with a faster connection. So believe it or not, I go to their web page instead of my own when I want to read or work on my own blog! Please try it and let me know if my graphic heavy blog then loads my pages faster for you, too!
The Orblogs link for this webpage is:
With Heart and Hands (Quilting Journey) If it helps you get to my blog easier, and faster ...it's better for both of us! It's my gift from me to me to you ;)
shown above:
a surprise gift bag I am giving a community quilter at group today.
(she's really needs a 'pick me up' and I love giving them :)
Thank you so much for visiting my blog. :)
I truly appreciated your comment.
I am adding you to my sidebar, as well. HUGS! p.s. I do tons of charity quilting as well. Love it.
I'm blessed with fast internet connections at home and at work so I don't have any problems accessing your blog. I hope mine doesn't give you too many fits...
Love your spirit and how you understand that a pick-me-up does wonders. Hugs from Memphis!!
I didn't know ORblog existed. Learn something new every day!
That is such a sweet thing to do for someone. I am sue she will love it for the looks of it and the thought behind it. You are a very caring person.
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