Expect nothing but cheers around the world as online gamers discover that one of their own has now officially become Merriam-Webster's Word of the Year. That cheer is "W00t W00t" a combination of letters and numerals used as an exclamation of happiness or triumph. 'W00t' topped all other terms in the Springfield based dictionary publisher's online poll for the word that best summed up 2007.
Merriam-Webster's president, John Morse, said 'w00t' was an ideal choice because it blends whimsy and new technology. Since gamers substitute numbers and symbols for the letters they most resemble...creating 'l33t' (pronounced 'leet' when spoken) short for 'elite' to the rest of the world.
a w00t, w00t from my families board gaming party last night
not shown:
dee keeping vigil. She's the one "pouring the champagne and standing guard at the canapes, or so she claimed ;)
Tanya who says that the three 'kitties' of death have gotten me yet so I should be fine for now.
Perry who's laughing to hard to protect me, or serve the champagne, but thinks I've snuck catnip into the fudge and that's why I asked:
Should I Be Worried?
But as Dee also says:
"Happy New Year, wishing you good things ahead in the new Year or , as her ancient neighbor says "another year above ground" Now is that a 'w00t' or not?
thanks for the heads up and a good laugh you Dear! I'm up to my eyeballs in dinner for people who clearly don't appreciate the fact that I'm willing to make two separate meals for the picky among us. I wish I had some of that champagne right about now. There's enough for you if you hurry-dinner at 7-right coast time. your choice of two entrees??
Good Lord!-everyone is snorring around here like it was the old folks home(where's my bullhorn???) maybe I'll sneak out and come to your house instead where my warmth and talent are more appreciated.
Watch out for the cats!! Hugs, Dee
Hah! I'm still laughing, lol, and I love the w00t. I think I will adopt it. Actually, I did sneak in a class of champagne while you weren't looking. It's Dee's fault, she poured it for me, lol.
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