You all know by now, that I love Dancing With The Stars. So, it was heartbreaking to just find out from Internet sources that it is being reported that Marie Osmond's father, George Virl Osmond, has died.
Both George and his wife, Olive, Marie's parents, had show business backgrounds. So, it's not surprisingly that the majority of their 9 children... Chris, Tom, Alan, Wayne, Merrill, Jay, Donny, Jimmy, and Marie, went into show business, as well.
Marie Osmond's father, George was born on Oct. 13, 1917, which would make him 90 years old. Marie's mother, Olive, passed away in 2004 and by then, between them, they had 55 grandchildren and 48 great-grandchildren
My heart is indeed sad for that lovely family and for the continued heartbreak those stars seem to be facing this season! First, Jane Seymour lost her mother, and now Marie is reported to have lost her father, today.
It is being reported that Donny Osmond was in the Entertainment Tonight studio, taping a segment, when he first heard the news. Marie, of course, danced Monday night on Dancing With the Stars, and would have appeared on the 'Results' show, Tuesday night.
I have added in a photo of George Osmond with his son, Donny. ET online reports that near the end of his life, Donny said his father could only say "I love you" to his family members. I thought to myself...it doesn't get any more meaning filled than that. If those are the only words you still hold, that you can still say...well, you've said a worldful!
I just know that I am lighting a candle, here in Salem, Oregon, for the whole Osmond family, and for all who have lost loved ones, and I am praying for that family, and all families who have suffered such losses!
The Oprah! show was to showcase "100 Osmonds" on the Friday, Nov.9th show and promos are indicating that the Osmond family will present a tribute to their father on that day. I, for one, plan on watching!
Just looking at his dear face, in this photo I've added in, reminds me of my father, your father, all fathers. And that, you see, is the true beauty of love and of family and of connections of the heart and the spirit that goes far beyond any physical death in this lifetime.
my other links:
100 Members of the Osmond Family + Oprah
Marie Osmond is "Dancing With the Stars" And Has A Quilting Fabric Line
I heard that today also, and sent up a prayer for the whole family. I'm sure they are all so grateful for Olive and George, two very special souls.
Grief is some of the hardest work any of us will ever do. My prayers are with the family and their friends.
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