The Sisters Library is where the bandana toting, blog reading, band of women were to meet at 10:30. By 10:00, I was already waiting and perusing the used book sale. By 10:15, I was suspiciously staring at women's purses and bags looking for the identifying bandanas.
By 10:30, I did go inside,instead, heard someone loudly called out 'Stashbuster!' I work hard at being a true stashbuster, lower case 's' (not a member of the yahoo group) and sew almost totally from my scraps. So, I was proudly sporting a wine colored bandana to complement their red ones. And being a quilter, she had an eye for detail and spotted me in the crowd.
I turned around as I heard that voice call out and that is how I met Doni. She was a thoroughly delightful woman from Nebraska, and the new friend that I ended up touring the quilt show along side of...until I finally got my directions reversed and lost myself and her, in the crowd. The others, after the traffic and parking problems began to was fun meeting Cher, and Nancy G. and then others sat down to rest so I met Wanda and a few others that don't blog but had come from hither and yon for the show.
Every where I went, and everything I looked at, involved people, crowds and crowds of people. After a while, you realized that you were enjoying the people every bit as much as the quilts! They looked like me, acted like me, were hot and tired and thirsty like me. And most of all, they loved quilts, quilting or looking at quilts like me!
And if they didn't look like me, they looked like our partners, good sports..human, feline or canine, all trying their best to cope with the radiating heat, the pressure of bodies in the crowds, and the excitement of the overall atmosphere. I saw an assortment of quilter's husbands, some puppies and dogs on leash, and this puppy and I both saw our first Maine Coon cat.
The people of Sisters set the tone, run the show, and make it all happen. The people who visit, create the mood, energize the crowds, spend the bucks, and come home...tired but happy.
All of my Sister's Quilt Show post links:
Flying Geese Head for Sisters, Oregon
Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show: The Atmosphere Says It All
Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show: The Buildings are Part of the Quilts
Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show: The People Create the Mood
Sisters: Last But Not Least .... The Quilts !
My Flying Geese Got Cooked, But I'm Back in the Saddle, Again
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