Jul 16, 2007

Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show: The Atmosphere Says It All

An estimated 15,000 to 20,000 people from all over the world crowd the streets, lawns, buildings and log benches of Sisters, Oregon every second Saturday in July. This year, I witnessed it, was part of it, and felt how it feels to be one of those 20,000. It was quite the experience!

I could only photographs small areas at a time, as the crowds thinned enough for me to even see the quilts, otherwise bodies not only blocked my way and my view, but moved in front of my camera, constantly!

I finally decided, that I was simply there to experience it, feel it through the crowds, through the heat, through the constant knowledge that I was missing as much as I was seeing. But knowing, none the less, that what I was seeing, was unique and beautiful in itself.

It's more than just the quilts. It's the town, the people, and the overall atmosphere. What is most fascinating is the clever artistry of the quilt hangings themselves. Literally, every single surface gets hung or covered with quilts.

The man and woman power to put them up and then later, take them down again is simply mind boggling. But the joy of seeing the color, in natural settings, has to be seen to be totally appreciated!
Coming attractions:
more of the town
the people
the quilts
All of my Sister's Quilt Show post links:


Holly said...

You described it so well. Yes, it was a fun experience. I kept my eyes open for Cher knowing she would be meeting you but you know how it is with the crowds and such... I'm glad I went. It truly was an experience :)

Shelina said...

I am unable to see many of the pictures, but a few are there, and you have described the scene well. It is very good that you were able to relax and enjoy your surroundings and accept them for what they are. But wouldn't it be great to be there before or after the crowds, and get to examine each and every quilt at your own leisure.

Shelina said...

ooh I can see them now. I guess I just didn't wait long enough.

SuBee said...

Isn't is amazing that a whole town can get behind this? Most places don't know a quilt from a Sears Special. I'm so glad you relaxed and soaked it all in; of course, I would expect nothing less from you!!

atet said...

Wow -- what a fantastic day. Someday, I will get to go to Sisters! Thanks for the great descriptions and the pictures!

Foredi said...

Great post, Thanks for sharing. Goodluck