Pay it forward or paying it forward, refers to repaying the good deeds one has received, by doing good things for other unrelated people.
Most of us assoiciated the phrase "pay it forward" as a moral philosophy originating from Catherine Ryan Hyde's novel, Pay It Forward, which in 2000 was adapted into film by the same name. In actuality it was first used in a book Between Planets by Science fiction author Robert A. Heinlein, in 1951, almost 50 years before Ryan Hyde's novel!
In Catherine Ryan Hyde's book and movie, it is described as an obligation to do three good deeds for others in repayment of one good deed that one receives. In this way, the need to help one another can spread exponentially through society, with the goal of making the world a better place.
In our little quilt blogging world, the concept is now being spread by the request that we make a Pay It Forward post, and ask for 3 people to respond to that post. In return we (me in this case) will send those 3 people (that respond) a gift. I consider it unnecessary to qualify whether it can be store bought or handmade...a gift from the heart can be either.
Because many bloggers are not getting responses to their 'Pay It Forward' posts, I have agreed to play and pay, twice. To limit problems with addresses and such, I am offering this:
*To the first 6 people who e-mail me their name and mailing address, using the email address on my profile page, I shall send each of you a gift, as long as you include in the email, your name and mailing address. The gift I mail may be store bought or handmade, and it will be delivered to you as soon as I have it ready and in the mailbox.
Your 'pay it forward' is to do the same in your blog for 3 more people. Link back, post, create the gift and pay it forward! Email me (use my email address on my profile page) if you want a gift and are willing to give 3 gifts to others, in return. Remember to email both your name and mailing address and we shall all play it forward ;)
I love this idea! What a great concept!
I like this idea. I will email you.
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