Finn says that to her it is a process that feels very much like a 'harvest'. I thought about this a lot after her note. My first Orphan Train is a baby steps one. So I guess that makes me a patio gardener. Using panel 'windows' and leftover blocks gave a balance and uniformity that one doesn't often get with a lot of random orphan pieces. I think I really needed that for my first top.
I haven't the experience of piecing in very many 'y' seams or making odd blocks fit in with one another. I lack the mathematical ability to seeing and computing triangular patch-ins that some quilters just have intrinsically. The on-point Quilt that I did make was an ordeal of edging computations and I doubt that I did it 'correctly' even then. So, for me, I truly needed to start with something a bit easier. Fitting in odd sized blocks with strips was enough for me, thank-you.
Nevertheless, I took my little seed crop, planted them into their columns and rows, watched the quilt top grow into the flimsy stage, shown here. I actually had hoped to get all of the borders figured out and on by this morning's post, but real life got in the way.
As I have said before when your LIPS ( Life in Progress) overwhelms your WIPS (Works in Progress) you just deal. It's never as much fun working as it is playing, but today looks like a sewing day so the Flimsy comes out, Whimsy comes in and Cottontails (the batting) is coming soon.
My garden is planted and the seeds are nurtured and ready for another crop. I'm looking forward to sewing today and adding some borders from odds and ends of stash. I've had fun with this Orphan Train quilt top and it makes me happy to have been able to climb on board! Can't wait to see in when it' all filled up and comes into the station!
Hi there, I like your blog and you give some sound life advice. I admire your dedication to charity quilting as well! I have been bouncing around looking at different quilt blogs and found yours!
Wow, what a cute quilt. I actually made a baby quilt using the same little girl and boy blocks. I found them in my mom's stash after she passed away.She had them all ready cut and squared up in a bundle. I really like the way you put the blocks together. You can see the baby quilt in my flicker album.
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