Now that our little community quilting group has taken its winter break, I told myself that I would work on the last of the Christmas decorations, finish up my own immediate projects and really focus on what needs to be done first.
I looked around my little sewing room...I am one of those people who spends as much time trying to be organized as I do actually sewing and there were all my bins and baskets of projects all lined up. They are like family, really. I lovingly care for each and every project as if it were a little spirit with a soul:)
There is my mother basket in rosy pinks. My mother will reach her five years cancer free milestone in January. She came and lived with us for nine months in 2002 as she had almost no chance of surviving stage 3B of inflammatory breast cancer. She went through all three processes...chemo, surgery and radiation and she did survive! I am planning a quilt to honor that five year survival mark. So, her basket is filled with the fabrics I am collecting for a small lap quilt to honor that milestone.
Then, there is my father basket. My dad turns 90 one week before my mother's milestone. So, he gets a patriotic memories quilt from his service in WW2. His little basket of proud patriotic vintage fabrics stands by her side. Both of them, there, waiting patiently for my attention. Then, there is my UFO basket. A project I need to frog quilt apart and redo with the sashings it should have had inserted in the first place! Another one, a top, knowing that someday maybe it will finally be it's turn.
Little baskets, lined up and waiting patiently. My winter projects that should have been started yesterday, or the day before, or the day before that. Like all of our yesterdays, waiting patiently to be remembered.
1 comment:
Another good reason for baskets. You are so organized. I spend a lot of time trying to organize as well, but aren't as successful as you are. I like that your baskets are open, so that the unfinished projects are in view, and reminding you of their wait. Both your parents have some sweet things to commemorate, and so good of you to make quilts to commemorate those occasions.
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