And best of all, as an active blogger with her fingers always searching out the pulse of online quilters and new trends, the show has a very short lag time for incorporating the essential elements of each new direction or trend in the quilting industry, but even more so..what quilters are truly creating.
It is after all, a quilt by quilters and the quilts that they enter into the show. Anyone can submit a quilt, and as long as it followed the submission guidelines, it will show, so there's a great deal of variety in that sense! And this amazing variety is all by one group, within one exhibit, alone! And there are so many, many exhibits!!!
I loved seeing so many free spirited, artsy, and improvisational quilts this year. And I loved that more and more quilts tell stories..even if sometimes you have to 'go into the quilt' to feel the energies of that story.
I saw, I felt, and I loved. And the entire quilt show was quite lovely and great, great fun!
First of all there was a lot of color! In fact, I started out my day by "Dreaming in Color" with the Vancouver WA / Portland OR 'Cover to Cover' book and quilt groups always amazing exhibit. This one honored Kafe Fassett and his autobiography "Dreaming in Color.
So much energy in these fun quilts. Many of them not your typical example of a bed or wall quilt but quilted ottomans, a fabulous quilted mobile and more!
The "Cover to Cover" Book Club quilts were a great deal of fun (as they always are one of my favorite exhibits!) again this year! They stacked up to be mighty fine and a great way to start out seeing this year's show!!!!
And oh yes! Another group also based their quilts on a book! "The Language of Flowers"..so much fun here, even if it took me forever to find the "Blue Burro" import store...loved the owner, loved her stories about traveling to Guatemala to find the arts and crafts she sells within her store! I came home with some worry dolls and bookmarks and a tiny beaded chicken that I just had to have ;-)
I saw so many quilters spending hundreds of dollar at a pop on quilt show tshirts, posters, bags..cloth and recycled milk bottle plastic ones that Oregon is famous for, and so much fabric, and books, and patterns, and even purchased quilts and quilting accessories. Oh, they were having fun shopping as well as looking.
I guess if you only come here once, it is one very big, over the top good time! I come here almost every year and I still feel that way and look forward to it every single time....heat, sore feet, blisters, and all. I go home with one very big happy grin on my face!
And yes....I am still dreaming in very bright, very vivid, very beautiful quilted color!!
More photos to come!!
Links to my other posts about the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show (SOQS) :
The Fabulous "Wish Upon a Card" Project
Quilts, Quilts and More Quilts
*Fabulous photos of the entire quilt show! Daryl@Patchouli Moon's photo album: https://www.flickr.com/photos/patchoulimoonstudio/sets/72157645779800645/
Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show: ab-strakt-ed, improvisational, or modern?
Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show: So Many Quilts to Want to Make!Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show: Two Rivers
Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show: Small Wonders Abound
Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show: Wonders of All Kind
Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show: Rosalie Dace
Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show: Teacher's Tent
Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show: Peter and Wendy Quilts
Sisters Outdoor Quilt Shows: 2009 -2012
For truly artistic, professional photographs of the quilts in the 2014 show, check Daryl@Patchouli Moon's photo album on flikr:https://www.flickr.com/photos/patchoulimoonstudio/sets/72157645779800645/
Michele Bilyeu blogs With Heart and Hands as she shares a quilting journey through her life in Salem, Oregon and Douglas, Alaska. Sewing, quilting, and wildcrafting, with small format art quilts, prayer flags, and comfort quilts for a variety of charitable programs. And best of all, sharing thousands of links to Free Quilt and Quilt Block Patterns and encouraging others to join her and make and donate quilts to charitable causes. Help us change the world, one little quilt, art quilt, and prayer flag at a time!
Thank you so much Michele for sharing these wonderful photos of the show. I live in New Zealand and will certainly never get to see the show so it's lovely to sit here and enjoy your photographs and observations on the show.
Michele I posted over 1300 photos on Flickr of the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show. Go here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/patchoulimoonstudio/sets/72157645779800645/
Thanks for sharing the adventure ... I would likely blow up my camera taking so many photos ... Or I would simply stand still and soak up the vibes!
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