After 12 days in a coma and 9 on a ventilator, my S-I-L, Becky, has now regained consciousness and is stable and doing amazingly well.
We are filled with gratitude and blessings after a prognosis of less than a 5% chance of her even living.
I actually spoke to her own the phone today, and while obviously suffering from the injuries she has sustained both internally and as a result of life-saving measures, she was alert and even had a sense of humor,
And while we don't yet know the long term healing prognosis, nor what internal damages she may have sustained it is truly a lesson to never doubt the possibility of miracles.
shown above: my latest vigil candle, after its melting over the last 3 days time.
I can see the profile of a seated, and winged angel, and there is no doubt in my heart that one watched over Becky these past weeks.
light a candle, say a prayer....
My Candlelight Vigil
Miracles Happen
Update for May 2012: Praying for a Miracle

I am asking for all of your prayers and a miracle kidney donation of O+ with high antibodies titers for my sister-in-law, Rebecca Savikko, of Eagle River, Alaska.
I am happy to hear the good news, and I hope you and your family get a break and have some peaceful time.
Have been watching for you to post about how she was, so glad its such happy news!! Gld Bless!
Glad to hear the good news Yes I do believe in miracles and this is one. Prayers are still with your family
Life's good - God bless!
Hugs - Lurline♥
One can never have too many prayers. I will say another for her continued recovery.
That is totally wonderful...what a relief and a bright spot in your life amid such turmoil.....totally wonderful.
The relief you must all be feeling!
Really wonderful news.
I am so glad she is doing better. You all still have my prayers.
Wonderful news, and I pray with you that she will continue to improve quickly.
What wonderful news! I'm so happy for you and your family. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Wonderful news! So glad you and your family received this miracle.
Wonderful news, prayers still coming your way.
Praise God! What a miracle! I thrilled at the progress of your SIL's recovery. Now, how 'bout you? How are your folks? Keeping you all in my prayers.
Hugs, Barb
This makes me so happy, for you and your entire family! Miracles do happen...so glad to know that your family has received one!
Here reading, listening and being with you in spirit, All my love, *karendianne.
I'm glad she is doing better - wishing her a full recovery.
I'm so glad to hear the good news about Becky. I've been a bit out of things over the past week so am now trying to catch up on blog news. The news about Becky is the absolute best!
I was so happy to hear your good news. I hope that Becky continues to feel better and better.
Sending you warm thoughts and a big hug,
So glad to see good news - how relieved you all must be. I'm still curious how she came to be in such dire straits, especially when she was on a cruise!
You will all continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Consider yourself (((hugged)))
Such good news to hear! Blessings and prayer and Reiki still being sent your way!
What an amazing family you have! You all continue to be in my prayers.
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