I'm up to my elbows and knees in patchcraftery. Similar to wizardry or perhaps Belinda the Good Witchery, I am pulling together bits and pieces and creating new, bigger and better things!
One of these was finishing this scrap happy journal, using someone else's tossed out and leftover scraps. It was meant to be a gift for a friend with blonde hair and glasses, but it ended up on a different journey and then joined my line-up of journals for daily use.
So, this must be my inner blonde. She is now in charge of the bits and pieces of my life. This now includes my current plans for my visit next weekend to the Sisters OR Quilt Show !!! and the plans to meet up with Sister Quilters from both Oregon and far off places.
I contacted Queen Bonnie of Quiltsville and requested a royal audience in her court (a Sisters park) where her itinerary includes a shady reststop with 7 or 8 of her handmaidens (friends). So, after an invitation to join them for a quick respite (stop and drop), I spread the word amongst my Oregon connections.
Meanwhile, I took these photos amidst the journal and quilt making chaos of my Virtual Quilting Bee For Charity.....and if you can figure out the directions from my previous Quilted Book or Journal Cover tutorials and these photos, you can even make one of your own!
I dearly love turning scraps into something bigger and better than themselves and being able to use them in all phases of my life. A new scrap journal fits that to a cup of tea, add a pen, the journal and I'm good to go...ok, I may need to pack a few clothes and some sunscreen for Sisters! They supply the heat and the water!
So, for my Frugal Friday Fun: How to make a quick and easy Patchwork Journal! Double click to go to the Picasaweb Album and captions will also help explain the design and construction process. Since mine is pieced from scraps, your might look and sew up differently, but the concepts are similar. Use your imagination and create something from almost nothing. The most magical and creative gift of all.

I'm ready to create my packing list for next week! Now, what shall I write down ........red bandanna, camera, megaphone, personal handlers with great senses of direction....
Frugal Friday
posts, tips and tutorials:
Frugal Friday Fun: And You're ALL Invited!
Multi-tasking My Quilting Projects
Finn-ally, Four Frugal Friday Finishes
Make a Re-useable Shopping Bag: Pocket Pouched!
Free Sewing Room Accessories Patterns
Making a Coffee Press Wrap
Everything But the Kitchen Sink
Pillowcase Kit Wrap: A Magical Photo Tutorial
Miniature Quilts! Plus: Free Miniature Quilt Patterns
Rabbit, Rabbit, Hare, Hare....
Free Snowman Quilt Patterns
Fun But Frenzied Frugality: Sewing Kuspuks Again!
Frugal Fun: Make a Potholder!
Thanks for the tutorial, very nice, as usual!!
Made sure I popped over to tell you I have a card draw, you have been so generous with the fire quilt donations that I would hate for you to miss out on a chance for a prize! Love Tracey
So, the cat can read? Clever! You best not write anything incriminating about kitty in your journal. Glad you're getting together with Bonnie, I wonder when she will ever come home to stay? ;)Feel free to tell her I said that! Thanks for the tutorial, it's great, as always!
What a wonderful time you're going to have. I love the journal and how you did it. Great job Michelle. have a wonderful weekend.
Very nice tutorial for the patchwork journal-Michele
I envy you going to Sisters- it is a place I have always wanted to visit during the big quilt show ( 1200 this year according to Valori Wells blog WOW). I have read about Sisters for a long time now. You will have such fun- perhaps you will meet up with my friend Pam from Pam's Pages.( she lives in Vancouver Canada I know she is going too.
Enjoy meeting Bonnie(I am sure she will be lots of fun) and Freddy Moran (I have loved her since I saw her on Simply Quilts years ago) and Gwen Marston- she is a wonderful lady from all accounts too. Wow what a fun time...
I will forward to seeing all your fun posts about your adventures at Sisters.
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