Our dear Finn, over at Riding the Orphan Train is eating Humble Pie. Not being content to just sit here and watch her eat it (especially if I thought I might want some..) I had to do an etymological search on the original, if you will, of 'Humble pie.'
Now, for those of you who may have heard of, but not oft tasted humble pie, it is best served with regrets... as opposed to whipped cream, ice cream or creme fraiche. So, I offer you this... for today's plateful.
From Wikipedia:
"To eat humble pie, in common usage, is to apologize and face humiliation for a serious error.
The expression derives from umble pie, which was a pie filled with liver, heart and other offal, especially of cow but often deer. These parts were known as umbles, and since they were considered inferior food, in medieval times the pie was often served to lower-class people.
Although "umbles" and the modern word "humble" are etymologically unrelated, each word has appeared both with and without the initial "h" after the Middle Ages until the 19th century. Since the sound "h" is often dropped in many dialects, and "umble" was a humble meal anyway, the phrase was re-bracketed as "humble pie". While "umble" is now gone from the language, the phrase remains, carrying the fossilized word as an idiom.
See also:
To eat boiled crow
Meaning: Act submissively and apologetically, especially in admitting an error. "
With my usual predilection for extensive research in my "nose to the grindstone" quest for illumination, I discovered that 'umbles' were also called 'numbles (or noumbles, nomblys, or noubles.) Samuel Pepys makes many references to such pies in his famous diary. For example, on 5th July 1662:
"I having some venison given me a day or two ago, and so I had a shoulder roasted, another baked, and the umbles baked in a pie, and all very well done."and on 8th July 1663:
"Mrs Turner came in and did bring us an Umble-pie hot out of her oven, extraordinarily good."
It is possible that it was the pies that caused the move from numbles to umbles. 'A numble pie' could easily have become an umble pie', in the same way that 'a napron' became 'an apron' and 'an ewt' became 'a newt'. This changing of the boundaries between words is called metanalysis and is commonplace in English.
The adjective humble, meaning 'of lowly rank' or 'having a low estimate of oneself' derived separately from umbles, which derives from Latin and Old French words for loins. (Incidentally, if you feel like girding your loins and aren't sure exactly where they are, the OED coyly describes them as 'the parts of the body that should covered with clothing').
The similarity of the sound of the words, and the fact that umble pie was often eaten by those of humble situation could easily have been the reason for 'eat humble pie' to have come to have its current idiomatic meaning.
Now, in any case, our dear Finn is definitely not 'lower class' nor is she inferior in any way, shape or norm. So dear Finn, pull that piece of pie right out of your mouth, right this minute! And dear sweet Molly, certainly never intended for her darling Orphan Train quilt to cause you dietary distress, nor me an etymological diffusion! Nor, you my dear readers, a discretionary offensive infusion.
shown here:
more of my potholders:
using the crow for serving, not eating
And Finn, dear, you are not to apologize for your menu choices. That would be eating boiled crow, not once, but twice!
Your potholders are pretty. I hadn't heard of eating boiled crow, and didn't know the origin of humble pie. I subscribe to mirriam webster's free word of the day, which tells you the etymology of words as well as the definition. If only I remembered all the words that they send me.
Thank you Michele...*VBS* Well put, very well put indeed! We needed that information and thanks to you, we've got it! *VBG* Too late to remove the pie from my 'umble mouth, however. I stepped up to the plate and did what I must do, and since I'm not a stranger to such fare, it served me well...*VBS*
The origins and changes in the word and phrase are interesting. I'm familiar with most of them. The lives of the comman man has always been far more interesting to me than that of the privledged class. I've watched the PBS coverage of Winsor Castle, and find it all very mind bloggling, and the 'necessity'(??) of it, even more so.
Having started such a very, very long time ago at this thing called 'life', and being a gleaner, much as been been seen and experienced. Humble pie is no big deal...*VBS* Happy weekend, Hugs, Finn
And for another little twist, Humble Pie was the name of a rock band in the late 1970's.
Gosh, the things I learn on quilting blogs. I think Humble Pie would be a great name for a orphan quilt. I've tasted it many a time and with a cup of tea, it clears the palate nicely. VBS
Sorry, I am having a hard time swalowing all that.
Hehehe -- isn't the OED fun!!??!! For another interesting etymological diffusion -- try looking up "testify" in OED. I LOVED having my freshman college students do this one, they are so EASY to shock!
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